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Statins Linked to Lowering the Risk of Symptoms Like Parkinson’s Disease-Consumer Health News

Statins Linked to Lowering the Risk of Symptoms Like Parkinson’s Disease-Consumer Health News



Thursday, March 24, 2022 (HealthDay News)-Millions of people taking statins to lower cholesterol can benefit unexpectedly: movements as seen in Parkinson’s disease And new studies suggest that you may be less likely to develop balance disorders.

In this study, with the use of statins Parkinsonism..

People with Parkinson’s disease have some of the symptoms found in Parkinson’s disease — slow movement, stiff muscles, difficulty walking and maintaining balance. However, there are various root causes.

Researchers found that half of the more than 2,800 older people they followed developed symptoms of Parkinson’s syndrome in six years.However, the risk was 16% lower among those using it. Statins..

Survey results published online on March 23 Neurology.. Statins have not been proven to directly reduce the risk of parkinsonism, said Dr. Shahram Oveisgharan, Principal Investigator at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago.

However, he added, his team was also able to study autopsy brain tissue from participants who died during the study.

It turns out that people who used statins are likely to be 37% less likely Atherosclerosis — Accumulation of “plaques” that clog arteries — in their brains. And it partially explained the relationship between statin use and reduced risk of Parkinson’s syndrome.

James Beck, director of nonprofit Parkinson’s Foundation, said the reduction in statin-related risks was “modest.”

However, he called the study design “strong” and said there was reason to believe that statins could make a difference in the risk of Parkinson’s disease. There are various forms of the condition, including what is known as vascular parkinsonism. These symptoms are thought to occur after a small stroke (the area where blood flow is blocked) damages the motor-related areas of the brain.

“This is where statins may work,” Beck said.

The findings are based on 2,841 older people, who initially averaged 76 years. Over the next 6 years, 45% of statin users developed Parkinson’s syndrome, while 53% of non-users developed Parkinson’s syndrome.

Parkinsonism, at least to a mild extent, was defined as having two or more signs of “Parkinsonism”, including slow movement, tremor, skeletal muscle stiffness, and gait problems.

Researchers are looking to see if participants explain the relationship between statins and Parkinson’s syndrome, such as whether they have high blood pressure or diabetes, smoke, or exercise regularly. We compared the factors.

Still, researchers have found that statin use itself is associated with a 16% lower risk of Parkinson’s syndrome.

Some study participants were diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. However, Oveisgharan stated that there was no association between statin use and brain abnormalities associated with Parkinson’s disease, only atherosclerosis of the brain.

According to Oveisgharan, this may help explain why some past studies have shown no association between statins and a reduced risk of Parkinson’s disease.

Unlike the rare Parkinson’s disease, the signs of mild Parkinson’s disease are very common among the elderly, he said. Current findings support the idea that vascular disease of the brain contributes to these problems.

That doesn’t mean that all older people need to take statins, Oveisgharan and Beck emphasized. For one thing, statins can cause side effects such as muscle aches.

However, with more research, statins may be an option to reduce the effects of parkinsonism in the elderly, as well as in people with hypercholesterolemia, Oveisgharan said.

According to Oveisgharan, there are currently situations where statins are considered. If older people have symptoms of Parkinson’s disease but do not seem to be caused by Parkinson’s disease, a brain scan can be done to look for vascular disease. If it is there, statins may be guaranteed.

Beck pointed out the big picture. “Brain health is important,” he said. “And what goes with brain health is overall health.”

So, Beck says that steps such as eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and controlling blood pressure and cholesterol levels can help support general brain health as you get older. Told.

This study was funded by the National Institutes of Health. Researchers report that there are no financial conflicts of interest.

For more information

The Parkinson’s Foundation Parkinsonism.

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