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A new mosquito net where “ground” mosquitoes can help fight malaria

A new mosquito net where “ground” mosquitoes can help fight malaria
A new mosquito net where “ground” mosquitoes can help fight malaria


An Anopheles mosquito is seen in a net placed in a rice field on October 30, 2019, during a test using drone technology in the fight against malaria near the city of Zanzibar on Zanzibar Island, Tanzania. REUTERS / Baz Ratner

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March 24 (Reuters)-In a large study in Tanzania, mosquito nets treated with a new type of pesticide cut malaria cases in children by almost half, fighting the times, according to a lancet study. Raised expectations for new weapons in-old killer.

Mosquito nets have contributed to the great progress the world has made in decades against malaria, saving millions of lives. However, progress has stagnated in recent years, as mosquitoes that have spread the infection have become more and more resistant to the pesticides used in existing nets.

In 2020, 627,000 people died of malaria, mainly children in sub-Saharan Africa.

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Researchers at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) in the UK, National Institute of Medicine, Kilimanjaro Christian Medical College College in Tanzania, and University of Ottawa in Canada are now the new pesticides for the first time in 40 years-actual randomization. It is safe and effective in the exam.

Nets treated with chlorfenapyr and the commonly used chemical pyrethroid reduced the prevalence of malaria by 43% in the first year and 37% in the second year of the study compared to existing nets. rice field.

More than 39,000 households participated in the survey and followed more than 4,500 children aged 6 months to 14 years. Net developed by BASF (BASFn.DE) In Germany and LSHTM, it’s slightly more expensive than the current net, about $ 3 per item, but researchers say the savings in preventing cases outweighed the initial increased spending.

Chlorfenapyr works differently from pyrethroids, causing wing spasms and effectively grounding mosquitoes by preventing them from flying, thus biting and spreading the infection. This chemical was first proposed for use against malaria 20 years ago and has been used for pest control since the 1990s.

Although the World Health Organization has already pre-certified the use of the new net, this study, funded by the UK Government and Wellcome Trust, may lead to broader recommendations for their use.

“This is the first evidence in a real-world situation,” Dr. Jacklin Mosha, lead author of research at the National Medical Laboratories in Tanzania, told Reuters.

Alongside advances in malaria vaccines approved by the World Health Organization last year, the team said the net could be another tool in the malaria toolbox. read more

However, they warned that it is important to prevent the rapid development of resistance to chlorfenapyr if mosquitoes are widely used.

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Report by Jennifer Rigby; edited by Michele Garshberg and Jonathan Oatis

Our criteria: Thomson Reuters trusts the principles.




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