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Bird flu confirmed in wild birds in Macomb County, Monroe County, and St. Clair County

Bird flu confirmed in wild birds in Macomb County, Monroe County, and St. Clair County


Highly contagious Bird flu (bird flu) According to Michigan’s wild bird populations Natural Resources Bureau..

The disease was found in Canadian free-range geese and tundra swans. St. Clair CountyFrom the snowy owl Macomb CountyAnd from the mute swan Monroe County.. Bird flu can infect free-range poultry such as chickens, quails, geese, and swans.

The CDC believes that the HPAI virus has a low risk to humans. No human HPAI infections have been detected in the United States. Bird flu has been found in backyard poultry herds, commercial herds, and wild birds.


How was the bird tested?

Six Canadian geese and two tundra swans were found in the St. Clair Flats State Wildlife Sanctuary, and two snowy owls were transported from Macomb County to DNR for testing. The test was conducted at the Veterinary Diagnostic Institute at Michigan State University.

The sample was not negative and was transferred to the US Department of Agriculture’s National Veterinary Services Laboratory in Ames, Iowa for final confirmation. On Thursday (March 24), they confirmed that geese, swans, and owls were infected with the avian influenza subtype H5N1. On March 15, an additional positive case was found in the mute swan in Monroe County.

Detection of this disease will take place in late February 2022 after the state first detects HPAI in a herd of non-profit poultry in the backyard of Kalamazoo County.

What to do if you have poultry

The Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development said poultry owners need to minimize the number of people in contact with birds and isolate them from wild birds when possible. Also, hands and clothing should be disinfected after contact with poultry.


What is the state doing?

“The positive findings of highly pathogenic avian influenza in this identified wild bird facilitate some steps notified by HPAI’s Michigan surveillance and response program in wildlife,” said Eichinger. “DNR and MDARD are working on their plans with other experts and stakeholders, leveraging all available resources aimed at limiting the spread of HPAI.”

The state has a wildlife HPAI program developed in 2006 and updated in 2021. Through this plan, DNR canceled the rounding up and relocation of Canadian geese that year. There are exceptions in situations where human health is a concern.

The DNR is encouraging the destruction of nests and eggs as the rounding up and relocation of Canadian geese has been cancelled. Eligibility requirements for nest and egg destruction will be exempted this year. The permit is free.

MDARD, DNR, MSU, Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, and US Department of Agriculture Veterinary and Wildlife Services monitor bird flu and monitor the health of poultry, livestock, wildlife, and residents of Michigan. Working to do.


What are the signs of HPAI?

According to DNR, poultry may not show many of the signs of routine illness.

One of the key indicators of HPAI is sudden death and high mortality. Sick birds may show neurological signs such as difficulty walking, loss of appetite, low energy, and lack of vocalization.

You may notice a significant decrease in egg production, swelling of the comb, braiding, legs, or head. You may also have diarrhea, runny nose, sneezing, or coughing.

Ducks and geese are considered carriers, but geese generally do not transmit bird flu.

Residents who become aware of the deaths of three or more free-range birds should report to DNR. Field app eyes Or call 517-336-5030. If your poultry is experiencing severe illness or multiple mortality losses, please contact MDARD at 800-292-3939.


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