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BuzzFix: 2 Years of Covid-19 Lockdown

BuzzFix: 2 Years of Covid-19 Lockdown


Two years ago, on March 24th, the life we ​​knew changed as “New Normal” was taken over by the Covid-19 pandemic, spurring India’s first blockade. Unknown to anyone, the first 21 days spilled over into almost two days. A few lucky people (reading: those with class privileges) emerged with “life skills” in a sudden silence, so they started shopping for food and groceries and the scores were replaced nationwide. Migrant workers (later more sensitively called guest workers) walked miles between cities, as their lives depended on it. On the one hand, Instagram reels with the first cohort of niche celebrities began to pop up. On the other hand, there were pictures of corpses floating on the Ganges and Roti scattered on the railroad tracks. As never before, a pandemic has exposed a rift in our society: the fault lines we have always split.

Some wondered to stand on the balcony, poetically talking about a previously unknown shade of blue that the sky changed without pollution, by the side of the street without knowing what had happened to the family. I was sitting. Two years later, some monumental moments from the first day of the blockade, as mask obligations and blockade restrictions were relaxed globally (despite the fact that future fears are still imminent). Is here.

Masks, disinfectants, and hoarding issues

Masks and disinfectants have become a part of our daily lives, and the first surge in panic buying has led to hoarding these items. Even before the blockade was announced, on March 13, the government declared face masks and hand sanitizers a must-have for the next 100 days as it increased supply and stepped up efforts to prevent hoarding. The center has also enacted a disaster management law to ensure price regulation and availability of surgical and protective masks, hand sanitizers and gloves.

Railroad closed

Indian Railways shut down two days before the government announced its first blockade. For the next three months, there were no trains other than the special trains that will operate from June 1, 2020. On March 24, when the lockdown was imposed, Indian Railways tweeted in Hindi. Situation … stay home. “

Janata Curfew

On March 22, 2020, the Prime Minister announced a 14-hour curfew for everyone except essential service providers. At 5 pm, citizens were told to stand on doors, windows and balconies and applaud or bang. Thalys Or ring the bell in appreciation of the important service worker.

Escape of Immigrants: Roti on Railroad Tracks

Roti scattered on the railroad tracks between Badnapur and Karmad stations symbolized the enormous tragedy that resulted from the pandemic, the escape of immigrants. They are part of the food owned by migrant workers traveling 16 walks from Maharashtra to Madhya Pradesh and were harvested on a train of batter goods early in the morning of May 8, 2020.

Covid norm frouting

From politicians to vacationers, Covid-19’s norms were repeatedly ignored. Some were fined a small amount, while others were forced to stand on their toes to earn a living, paying in blood.

On June 19, 2020, P Jayaraj, 60 and J Bennix, 31, were arrested by Thoothukudi police for leaving the mobile store open after the permitted time. Relatives alleged that Jayaraj, who was in the store, was arrested by police and verbally abused and assaulted. His son, Benix, later went to the police station and begged the police to release his father. The duo was allegedly beaten and proceedings were filed under IPC Sections 188, 383, and 506 (II). They were later taken to a sub-prison in Kobilpatti. Both claimed to have died in Kovilpatti’s hospital every 23 hours on June, and their relatives had been badly beaten at the Sasankulam police station.

In July 2021, Indian tourists gathered in Manali.

Yamuna, the corpse of the Ganges

Perhaps the bodies of COVID-19 patients were caught from the Ganges and Yamuna rivers in May 2021. Corpses were found floating near the ghats of Ujiyal, Kurhadia, and Barauri in the Narahi region of Uttar Pradesh. In Bihar, bodies were caught from the Ganges in the Buxar district. A video of the body buried in a shallow hole near the banks of the Ganges in Unnao was also infected with the virus. The viral video showed the dog biting the corpse. In a letter Reuters saw, the state government provided the first official approval of a vigilant practice, adding that it could have arisen from the village’s poverty and fear of illness.

Mental health crisis

The blockade also brings about a spiral mental health crisis, the effects of which have been completely sustained. According to the August 2020 PTI report, a mental health survey of more than 8,000 individuals at the time found that college students were most affected by pandemics and blockades. A study conducted by YourDost, an online mental health platform, found that the second most affected segment was working professionals. Although unaffected at the beginning of the blockade, anxiety, anger, and loneliness were greatly exacerbated and severely hit.

On the other hand, in the parallel universe …

Dalgona coffee

Return of birds and mountains

Ramayana on TV

The show has gained record audiences since state-owned DD National decided to rerun Ramayana on television for Ramayana, following the announcement of the lockdown on March 24th. According to a recent TRP assessment, Ramayana scored 15.5 points in the next few weeks, breaking all previous records. The number was staggering, as even the most popular and most watched shows tend to earn a TRP of only 4-5 points on average.

Hope, and some …


India began the first dose of vaccine against Covid-19 in January 2021. As of March 23, 2022, the vaccination rate in India has exceeded 182 chlores.

Was there beauty in the mayhem? Will art be abandoned in the age of war and pandemics? The poet will tell you that we don’t, but the art turns into a tragedy, or something that reacts to the tragedy you react to. The human mind is said to be resilient, but perhaps in a very physical world it wouldn’t be so much without the body.

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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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