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How lettuce can stop astronauts’ bone loss towards Mars

How lettuce can stop astronauts’ bone loss towards Mars


When NASA was preparing to send humans to Mars sometime in the 2030s, it was a challenge to understand how to keep astronauts healthy during a three-year mission.

But researchers at the University of California, Davis said Genetically modified lettuce It grows in space and can provide astronauts with what they need to avoid bone loss.

“Because lettuce is a plant grown on the International Space Station, we decided to use lettuce, and it’s also a very productive plant for seed production,” said Karen McDonald of the University of California, Davis. The professor said: Tuesday’s online media briefing..

On Earth, the bones of your body constantly form microfractures by gravity, constantly reconstructing themselves while regulating the supply of calcium in the blood. But in space, this does not happen, resulting in a net loss of bone mineral density.

Modified lettuce contains fragments of parathyroid hormone (PTH) that stimulate bone formation. Drugs that can supply hormones already exist, but they need to be injected daily. It is impractical to transport so many medicines on a three-year mission.

Using plants that grow in space, such as lettuce, solves this supply challenge.

“If you grow the plant and harvest the seeds, you can produce thousands of seeds, so you can get this biological amplification of the amount of material,” McDonald’s said. “This is a very simple and cost-effective way to make a remedy.”

Researchers have been able to develop this lettuce by attaching the hormone to a portion of the protein, resulting in a protein called PTH-Fc that makes the hormone more stable and effective. From there, they infected plant cells with bacterial species that could transfer the gene to the plant.

“We grew plants from them and harvested seeds from them. We now extract proteins from lettuce tissue and use analytical techniques to confirm that they are producing PTH-Fc. We also examined this in lettuce plants of various generations. ”UCDavis graduate student Kevin Yates said in a media briefing.

In its current state, astronauts need to eat eight glasses of lettuce per day to get enough PTH. Researchers said they are working to improve the amount of PTH-Fc produced by lettuce so that astronauts don’t have to eat it too much.

“We also want to look at the stability of lettuce from one generation to the next for generations to maintain lettuce production levels,” McDonald’s said.

Researchers also said lettuce could one day help treat or prevent osteoporosis and other bone conditions on Earth.

“Obviously, we need a way to produce remedies at a lower cost, and I think the use of plants to make remedies such as PTH-Fc is of great value on the planet. “McDonald’s said.




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