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According to scientists, genetically modified lettuce is the future of food and medicine in space.Let’s explain

According to scientists, genetically modified lettuce is the future of food and medicine in space.Let’s explain


Want to go to Mars? If you do so, you may end up eating a lot of lettuce. However, it is not ordinary lettuce.

Researchers at the University of California, Davis have genetically engineered lettuce to produce a drug based on human hormones that keeps bones strong.

This is the latest development in a new field of designing foods and medicines suitable for long-distance space travel.

Astronauts lose about 1 percent of their bone mass on average in space each month.

“Currently, astronauts on the International Space Station (ISS) are doing specific exercise therapies to maintain bone mass,” said Kevin Yates, who presented the team’s study at the American Chemical Society earlier this week. Says.

“But they are usually not at the International Space Station for more than six months.”

A scene from Mark Watney and the Martians in the dark near the potatoes.
Mark Watney cultivated potatoes on Martian poop (poop is not recommended).((((Supply: Giles Keyte / 20 Century Fox).

It takes about 3 years to get to and from Mars (unless left behind like Mars’ Mark Watney).

Not only do you need to engage in serious training to prevent bone loss during that period, but you will also have to inject yourself with parathyroid hormone (PTH) daily.

Let’s take a closer look at how this lettuce fits into the future of space travel.

Why lettuce?

Currently, astronauts aboard the ISS are primarily eating ration packs, with occasional fresh food delivered when new spacecraft arrive.

This means that “menu fatigue” will begin soon, said Matthew Gilliham, director of the Weight Institute at the University of Adelaide.

“Astronauts lose 10% of their weight in the first few weeks of being on the space station, partly because of a monotonous diet,” said Professor Giliham.

Therefore, NASA has experimented with the following plant growth: lettuce At the ISS.

Astronaut in front of the ISS plant
NASA astronaut Scott Tingle tends to grow plants grown within the VEGGIE facility to support research in space botany.((((Supply: NASA).

“Lettuce grows so fast that it’s great,” said Jenny Mortimer, who is studying future plants at the Weight Institute.

Growing plants with microgravity can be difficult. Some plants do not grow in the right direction and water can attach to the roots and leaves of the plant and kill them.

NASA uses a system of fans and LED lights to keep the mini garden alive.

In addition to lettuce, we have also succeeded in growing barley, radish, and more recently chili peppers.

“It added excitement to their food because they absolutely put peppers in everything,” said Professor Giliham.


Enlivening the menu isn’t the only reason scientists are experimenting with growing their own vegetables.

The cost of feeding the ISS is estimated at $ 20,000-40,000 per kilogram, with each crew eating about 1.8 kilograms per day.

Crew members who go to Mars for three years chew about 10,000 to 11,000 kg of food.

In addition to the cost of carrying and storing these tons of chow chow, the most perishable vitamins such as vitamins B and C last only 12 months.

Dr. Mortimer said DIY vegetable patches not only provide space travelers with fresh flavors and nutrients in the short term, but are also especially important for long-term residence.

“I can’t carry everything around,” she said.

“The plants are great because they can be seeded.”

How to turn lettuce into medicine?

Lettuce close-up
This may look like a bunch of ordinary cos, but it is genetically modified.((((Supply: Kevin Yates).

According to Professor Giliham, there has been a major move in the last few years to start producing molecules, drugs and even plastics for living organisms.

Plants are easier to grow and modify than unicellular organisms such as bacteria and yeast.

“You can put [the molecule] In different parts of the plant tissue, you can save it in different parts of the leaves that are not so problematic for the plant to preserve it, “he said.




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