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Vital Signs: When, How, Why to Screen for Colorectal Cancer | Health

Vital Signs: When, How, Why to Screen for Colorectal Cancer | Health


Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer in both men and women in the United States and the second leading cause of death after lung cancer. Most cases of colon cancer take years to develop, so not only will regular screening detect the cancer at an early curable stage, but colon endoscopy will detect precancerous polyps. Can be removed and the onset of cancer can be prevented.

In commemoration of Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, we would like everyone to know the latest guidelines for colorectal cancer screening. In 2021, the US Preventive Medicine Expert Committee updated its recommendations for colon cancer screening, providing screening at age 45 for all adults at average risk. Part of the reason for lowering the age of screening is that 15% of colorectal cancer cases at adult age have improved overall trends in colorectal cancer cases and deaths over the past few decades. Is also an increase. 40 to 49.

Your screening optionsThe best screening option is said to be the test that patients are most likely to complete, but there are two of the most frequently used testing approaches in the United States, supported by the highest quality evidence. increase. Colon endoscopy and stool-based tests.

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The advantage of colonoscopy is that it is both diagnostic and therapeutic. This means that anything found during screening, such as precancerous polyps, will be removed during screening.

Fecal-based testing strategies such as the annual fecal immunochemical test (FIT) and the multi-targeted fecal DNA test every three years are also very effective strategies. However, fecal-based testing is considered a two-step strategy. This is because a positive test requires colonoscopy for follow-up to remove the polyp. Less commonly used screening tests include flexible sigmoidoscopy, CT colonography, or colon video capsules. These tests should be booked for patients who are unable or unwilling to undergo colonoscopy or annual FIT tests as there is little evidence to support their use.

When deciding which screening approach to use, patients should also consider the overall risk of colon cancer. Because stool-based testing should only be used by patients with “average risk”, the risk of colon cancer based on an individual history of colon polyps, a family history of colon cancer, or an underlying disorder such as inflammatory bowel disease Anyone with a high colon should use it. You should not use the stool-based screening option and instead have a colonoscopy. Depending on the patient’s risk factors, the age at which screening may begin may be less than 45 years. This decision is best made with the opinion of your GP or gastroenterologist.

The center will help youThe UVa Cancer Center — one of the 52 National Cancer Institute-designated comprehensive cancer centers in the United States and the only cancer center in Virginia — provides excellent screening and care for colorectal cancer. UVa offers patients a wide range of screening options for colonic rectal cancer, including high-screening colonoscopy for patients and diagnostic colonoscopy for patients with positive stool tests. Our gastroenterologists perform high quality colonoscopy and offer advanced endoscopy options for patients with complex adenomas.

For patients in need of surgical care for colorectal cancer, US News & World Report rates colon cancer surgery with UVa as “high performance”. This is the highest rating possible. For more information on screening and treatment options for colorectal cancer with UVa, please visit:

Dr. Esteban Figueroa is a UVa Health gastroenterologist.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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