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Why do I and my children catch such a cold? Need to quarantine?

Why do I and my children catch such a cold? Need to quarantine?


Thea van de Mortel, Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, Griffith University

COVID Change the approach to sore throat and runny nose.

If you have Cold Separation is not essential if symptoms occur and the rapid antigen test is negative, but it is a good idea. But how far should you be from others when you catch a cold?

In general, it is infectious until the symptoms subside and stay away until you are well. Passing your cold to others can mean unnecessary COVID tests for them.

Some people may be protracted cough Or other symptoms when they have passed the normal period of infection. If a rapid test reveals COVID and the symptoms persist, it is advisable to consult your doctor to rule out other infections and complications.

What is the cause cold‘?

Unlike other infections with one specific cause, such as COVID caused by SARS-CoV-2, a “common cold” is a viral upper respiratory tract infection with a series of classic signs and symptoms. But one particular virus.

Common colds are most often caused by over 100 different hythinovirus serotypes (viruses within one species with the same number and type of surface proteins).

Colds can also be caused by several other viruses, including the common cold human coronavirus, parainfluenza virus, and adenovirus.

When we develop immunity to one type of virus that can cause a cold, we develop another type of virus that has no immunity, so we catch colds repeatedly. Some of these change over time and “escape” from the antibodies produced against previous infections.

Colds tend to be considered harmless, but people with weak immunity, such as the very young and the elderly, can cause serious illness. This can lead to hospitalization and can cause asthma in sensitive people.

How do colds spread?

The cold virus is transmitted by touching the eyes, mouth, nose, or food with the virus-contaminated hands, by direct contact with others, or by inhaling contaminated aerosols.

Preschool children catch 6-8 (or more) colds annually.

Children are a major driver of infections in the community and appear to be bringing back infections from kindergartens and schools.

Adults then bring the infection to work. Poor ventilation in the workplace can increase your risk of being exposed to the cold virus.

Colds are common in the fall, winter, spring, or rainy season if you live in the tropics.

Common cold life cycle

The median incubation period (the most common time it takes for symptoms to appear) varies widely from about half a day to five and a half days, depending on the virus involved.

For rhinovirus infections, symptoms can occur in just half a day, but about two days.

In general, you can get infected 1-2 days before symptoms appear and during the symptoms.

Adults and adolescents usually recover from symptoms in about 7-10 days. For some people, especially younger children, coughing can last longer.

What are the symptoms and why?

Inflammation due to infection can cause many symptoms, including: sore throatRunny nose, stuffy nose, sneezing, coughing.

A runny nose is caused by a chemical called histamine that causes more blood vessels to leak. Your runny nose clearly begins with a runny nose. Over time, it tends to get thicker.

When immune cells fight the infection, some white blood cells die and the nose changes color. When the immune response goes into full swing, white blood cells called neutrophils produce a chemical (myeloperoxidase) that fights green infections.

When many neutrophils die in the process of fighting the virus, myeloperoxidase causes a green runny nose.

If you have a runny nose for a long time, or if you have facial pain, you may have a sinus infection.

How to catch a cold and prevent it from being transmitted

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends the following precautions to reduce the risk to others:

* Stay home while you have symptoms (and keep your sick child home from school or day care).For most people this is about 7-10 days

* If you need to cough or sneeze, put it in your elbow.If using tissue, dispose of the contaminated tissue and then wash your hands

* Rhinovirus can remain on your fingers and objects for several hours, so wash and disinfect your hands frequently.

* Sends occur when you are near someone else. Therefore, if possible, you can choose to work from home.If you can’t, keep a distance from your colleagues

* If an aerosol infection is possible, depending on the virus involved, you can also wear a mask at work after the symptoms have disappeared or if you return to work with a prolonged cough.

* Disinfect frequently touched surfaces.

Finally, train to avoid touching your face. One study compared upper respiratory tract infections in two groups. One is hand-washing only, the other is hand-washing, and a smartwatch with a sensor is used to track hand movements and remind you not to touch your face.

The group using hand tracking and reminders had less face touch and had a 53% reduction in upper respiratory tract infections.

(This article is syndicated by PTI of The Conversation)




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