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Viral DNA spreads over the entire surface of the ward for over 10 hours



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According to a new study by UCL and Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH), the viral DNA left in hospital bedrails was found in almost half of the sites sampled within 10 hours in the entire ward and lasted for at least 5 days.

This study Journal of Hospital Infection, SARS-CoV-2, It can cause Covid-19 and spread over the entire hospital surface.

Instead of using the SARS-CoV-2 virus, researchers artificially replicated some of the DNA from a plant-infectious virus that was unable to infect humans, producing 1 ml of water at a concentration similar to the found SARS-CoV-2 copy. Added to respiratory samples of infected patients.

The researchers placed this DNA-containing water on an isolated room, a railing in a hospital bed in a room for high-risk or infected patients, and sampled 44 sites on the ward over the next five days. .

They found that after 10 hours, surrogate genetic material had spread to 41% of the sampled sites. In the ward, from bed railings to door handles, waiting room armrests, children’s toys and books .. It increased to 59% of sites after 3 days and decreased to 41% on day 5.

Lena Ciric, UCL Civil, Environmental & Geomatic Engineering, the lead author of the study, said: “Our research shows the important role that surfaces play in the transmission of viruses and how important hand hygiene compliance is, and cleaning.

“Our surrogates were inoculated once in one location and spread by touching the surface with staff, patients and visitors. However, people with SARS-CoV-2 will shed multiple viruses. I will. , Coughing, sneezing, touching the surface. “

The highest percentage of sites diagnosed as positive for surrogates was in the immediate bed space area (including nearby rooms with several other beds) and clinical areas such as treatment rooms. On day 3, 86% of the clinical sampling sites were positive, but on day 4, 60% of the most recent bedspace sampling sites were positive.

“We are proud to announce that GOSH’s Chief Healthcare Scientist, Dr. Elaine Cloutman-Green (UCL Civil, Environmental and Geographic Engineering), said: When landed on the surface, a person comes into contact with the surface and can be infected by touching his eyes, nose or mouth.

“Similar to SARS-CoV-2, the surrogates used in the study can be removed by using disinfectant wipes or washing hands with soap and water. Cleaning and handwashing is the first defense against viruses. Means and this survey is an important memory.Medical professionals and all visitors to the clinical setting spread it through rigorous hand hygiene, surface cleaning, and proper use of personal protective equipment (PPE). Can help to stop.”

This study used viral DNA in water, whereas SARS-CoV-2 is likely to spread in body fluids such as cough droplets. Sticky liquids such as mucus can spread more easily.

One of the caveat of this study is how quickly the virus spreads if left untreated. , One cannot determine the likelihood of being infected.

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For more information:
S. Rawlinson et al, COVID-19 pandemic – don’t forget the surface, Journal of Hospital Infection (2020). DOI: 10.1016 / j.jhin.2020.05.022

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University of London

Viral DNA spread over the entire surface of the ward for more than 10 hours (June 8, 2020)
Acquired June 8, 2020

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