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Navigation: Where you grew up affects how well you navigate the world

Navigation: Where you grew up affects how well you navigate the world
Navigation: Where you grew up affects how well you navigate the world


People who grew up in cities are good at navigating grid-like environments full of straight routes, while people who grew up in more rural environments are good at navigating winding routes.


March 30, 2022

Sea hero quest

Sea Hero Quest Game Interface

Glitchers LTD

People can successfully navigate an environment that is similar to the one in which they grew up.

Hugo Spires University College London and his colleagues used a mobile video game previously called Sea hero quest Explore our direction.Their previous job was for people who grew up outside the city Have a better sense of direction More than people who spent their childhood in the city.

During the game, players need to remember the map and find checkpoints as soon as possible before navigating the virtual world on the boat. Researchers can then measure a person’s sense of direction by tracking how efficiently this is done. The game has been shown to predict the ability to orient itself in the real world and was originally designed to track the loss of this skill in Alzheimer’s disease.

Now, researchers have analyzed data from about 10,000 people aged 19-70 who played all 75 levels of the game, and found that people who grew up in the city weren’t bad at navigation in all contexts. Instead, these people are at the top when they need to avoid the environment with a grid-like structure of straight routes that reflect the geography of many cities.

People who grew up outside the city are better at navigating the environment on more wavy routes. The team reached these conclusions even after managing volunteer age, gender, video game skills, and education level.

“If you look closely, cities like the grid don’t hurt your navigation skills,” says Spiers. “At the game level in an environment with a more grid-like layout, those people [who grew up in cities with a similar grid-like structure] In fact, it’s doing slightly better than people who grew up in rural areas. “

“People optimize their abilities for the environment in which they interact,” he says. Mark Berman At the University of Chicago. He wasn’t involved in the analysis, but I think it worked. “The variety and size of the samples was great and the participants were unaware of what was being tested. They were just playing the game,” he says.

The team also found that the area where people lived when playing the game did not affect their ability to navigate. “For example, we found that people who grew up in rural areas and then moved to cities didn’t change their navigation abilities. It was the growing part that was important,” says Spiers.

Spire’s says that the environment in which you grew up can affect how certain neurons, called grid cells, that are part of the brain’s positioning system send electrical signals at key stages of development. I’m guessing. These cells and their patterns of activity can survive for the rest of their lives, giving people a particular navigation style.

“But we need to take into account the fact that we measured spatial navigation using a video game that was different from the actual navigation,” says Spiers.

You can request play Sea hero quest Providing data for dementia research by email [email protected]..

Journal reference: Nature, DOI: 10.1038 / s41586-022-04486-7

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