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Zika and dengue fever among the viruses that can cause the “next pandemic”

Zika and dengue fever among the viruses that can cause the “next pandemic”


Insect-borne pathogens such as Zika and dengue can cause the next pandemic, the World Health Organization warns, as there are increasing signs that the risks they pose are “increasing.”

More than two years after the coronavirus emerged and struck the world, experts are struggling to implement strategies to prevent the next outbreak from spreading pandemically.

At the top of the list, we are working on arbovirus, a group of pathogens such as Zika virus, yellow fever, chikungunya fever, and dengue fever, which are spread by arthropods such as mosquitoes and mites.

“We have been through a Covid-19 pandemic for two years and have learned difficult ways. [it costs] Dr. Sylvie Bryan, director of the WHO Global Infection Hazard Countermeasures Team, said Thursday.

“we had [a] The signal with Sars in 2003 and the flu pandemic experience in 2009 – but there was still a gap in our preparations, ”she added. “The next pandemic is probably due to a new arbovirus, and there are some signs of increased risk.”

Already, the arbovirus Public health threats in tropical and subtropical areas About 3.9 billion people live there. However, the prevalence is increasing.

Dr. Briand said he has faced Zika outbreaks in more than 89 countries since 2016, saying that the risk of yellow fever has “increased since the early 2000s.”On the other hand, the number of Cases of dengue reported to WHO It surged from about 505,000 in 2000 to 5.2 million in 2019.

“Illness of our time”

“These illnesses are illnesses of our time,” warned Dr. Jeremy Farrer, director of Wellcome Trust and a former member of the Sage Advisory Group in the United Kingdom. He said the driving forces behind the outbreak, including climate change, urbanization and globalization, are “21st century”, with yellow fever arriving in Asia and dengue fever prospering in Africa.

“The connection between Latin America, the Southern United States, Southern Europe, and all other parts of the world means mosquitoes, which are some of the most notable on earth. Adapted to different communities“He added.” In the context of the 21st century, this is why these illnesses are so important. “

Experts were talking about the new launch of WHO Global Arbovirus InitiativeThe aim is to put together work to tackle insect-borne threats under one roof.

researcher In Brazilian countries Senegal has been working on arboviruses for decades, but this is the first time a global strategy has been presented. This includes plans to improve disease surveillance, introduce early warning systems, and develop new treatments, vaccines and diagnostics.

“As the urban population continues to grow, the threat of these diseases becomes even more alarming,” said Dr. Ren Mingui, Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary of WHO. “The close living environment amplifies the spread of this virus, and we need to tackle these challenges now to prevent catastrophic effects on future healthcare systems.”

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