Is stuffy nose a symptom of Covid?How to tell if you have a cold instead of explaining the signs of a coronavirus
Covid-19 rate High again, many will have a hard time deciding whether they have it or are suffering from it. Another bug or respiratory illness..
Finding someone is getting harder and harder Those who do not have It’s a Covid-19, but it’s important to watch out for signs, as you can catch it many times.
So your stuffy nose Signs of Covid-19 Or is it just a cold? Here is everything you need to know.
Is stuffy nose a symptom of Covid?
The NHS emphasizes the three main symptoms of Covid-19 as follows:
- high temperature: This means that you feel hot when you touch your chest or back (no need to measure your body temperature).
- New, continuous cough: This is defined as an episode of a cough of 1 hour or more, or 3 or more coughs in 24 hours (if you have a normal cough, it may be worse than usual).
- Loss or change of sense of smell or taste (anosmia): This means that you have noticed that you cannot smell or taste something, or that you smell or taste something unusual.
The NHS does not list stuffy nose as one of the symptoms of Covid-19, but some other health authorities have said that Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in America.
However, according to the ZOE Covid Study, which tracks symptoms across the country, runny nose is one of the most common symptoms patients have recently reported, along with sore throat, headache, persistent cough, and sneezing. am.
How can I tell if I have a cold?
In short, it’s very difficult without testing. The symptoms of Covid-19 are very similar to those of the common cold, especially the new variants.
The British Heart Foundation We encourage you to undergo an inspection and state that: “Some of the” classic “symptoms of the coronavirus are less common in the common cold, such as high temperatures and loss of taste and smell.
However, there is evidence that the Delta variant, the UK’s most predominant strain, has cold-like symptoms, especially for those who are completely vaccinated.
“Symptoms such as headaches, sore throats, and runny noses can be delta-type symptoms or cold symptoms,” he added.
What if I think I have a Covid?
Legally, you don’t have to quarantine yourself and there is no penalty for leaving the house. However, it is advisable to self-quarantine.
Government advice now states that “if you test positive for Covid-19, you don’t have to be legally quarantined,” but “preferably stay home and avoid contact with others.” is needed.
Quarantine has become voluntary rather than mandatory, but it is still recommended.
The government recommends staying at home for five days. “From April 1st, people who test positive for COVID-19 are advised to stay at home and avoid contact with others. Infectious.
“For individuals who need to leave the house if they have symptoms or positive test results, such as avoiding close contact with people with weakened immunity, wearing face covers, avoiding crowded areas, etc. Advice will be provided. “
However, payments for self-isolation support that allow low-income workers to stay at home have also ended, and Boris Johnson has called on people with Covid-19 symptoms to “exercise their personal responsibilities.” ..
Also, if you come into contact with someone who has Covid-19, you do not need to quarantine yourself.
The advice states: “After contacting someone who tests positive for Covid-19, you do not need to be tested daily or legally quarantined.
The test and trace support payment scheme has also ended.
Do I need to take a test?
The NHS still recommends that people with symptoms undergo a PCR test. “If you have any of these symptoms, take the PCR test as soon as possible, even if it is mild.
- high temperature
- New, continuous cough
- Loss or change in the sense of smell or taste. “
However, after April 1st, most people will end the free PCR test, even if they have symptoms.
The government says free symptomatic tests are provided for:
- Patients in hospital. PCR testing is needed to provide treatment and access to treatment and to support ongoing clinical monitoring of new variants.
- People who are eligible for community Covid-19 treatment because of the high risk of developing a serious illness from Covid-19. People in this group will be contacted directly and will be taught how to send a lateral flow test, keep it at home for use in case of symptoms, and sort the tests.
- People living or working in a high-risk environment. For example, staff of social welfare services for adults such as home medical institutions and long-term care facilities, residents of long-term care facilities and special care and supported living services.
How can I handle Covid?
There are no tablets that can help treat the coronavirus, but they can help some of the symptoms.
The NHS Give this advice:
High temperature treatment
If you have a high temperature, it can help:
- Take a lot of rest.
- Drink plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration (water is best) – drink enough to make your urine pale yellow and clear.
- take Paracetamol Also Ibuprofen If you feel uncomfortable.
Cough treatment
If you have a cough, it is best not to lie on your back. Please lie down or stand upright. To relieve your cough, try drinking a teaspoon of honey. However, do not give honey to babies under 12 months.
If this does not resolve the issue, you can talk to your pharmacist about how to treat your cough.
You need to call 111 if:
- I gradually feel sick and feel short of breath.
- If you stand up or move around, you will have difficulty breathing.
- You are very weak, painful, or tired.
- You are trembling or trembling.
- You have lost your appetite.
- I can’t care about myself. For example, tasks such as washing, changing clothes, and making food are too difficult.
- I still feel sick after 4 weeks – this may be a long Covid.
You need to call 999 in the following cases:
- You’re out of breath, so you can’t say short sentences when you’re resting.
- Your breathing suddenly deteriorated.
- You vomit blood.
- The skin is pale or spotted and sweats cold.
- There is a small bruise or bleeding-like rash under the skin that does not fade when the glass is rolled over it.
- You fall or faint.
- It can be agitated, confused, and very drowsy.
- You either stopped peeing or you’re not peeing much more than usual.
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