Researchers are approaching using CRISPR technology to create hypoallergenic cats | SmartNews
Thanks to CRISPR gene editing technology, truly hypoallergenic cats quickly steal people’s hearts and safely curl up on their knees without causing sneezing, itchy eyes or other allergic symptoms.
InBioA US biotechnology company, CRISPR, has found a way to block genes responsible for major cat allergens. This is a genetic engineering technique that allows scientists to add or remove bits of DNA at specific locations in the genome of an organism. Gizmodo Ed Cara reports that this finding is the first step towards a hypoallergenic cat that is as healthy as a cat with an unedited gene.Details of the project called CRISPR cat Published this month CRISPR journal..
Fifteen percent of people have an allergic reaction to cats, causing symptoms such as sneezing, stuffy nose, itching, and watery eyes. The response is triggered by a small protein called Feld1 that the cat secretes from the salivary and skin glands.When furry cats clean themselves, allergens can spread throughout their fur and float in the air as their coat dries, reports Michael Le Page. New Scientist.. Dander from cats, or flakes of dry skin, can also cause an allergic reaction.
Some cat breeds are claimed to be less likely to produce allergens, but no scientific studies have confirmed this. New Scientist..All species of felines produce Feld1, but the 2019 study Journal of Cat Medicine and Surgery Protein levels in saliva have been found to differ in typical domestic cats.
The two genes that code for Feld1 are: CH1 When CH2. InBio researchers are using CRISPR to create cats that produce little or no Fel d 1. After analyzing the DNA of 50 domestic cats, the researchers identified regions along two genes that the team could cut and edit with CRISPR. Gizmodo.. CRISPR The technology uses an enzyme called Cas9 to cut two strands of DNA at a target site on the genome, allowing a section of DNA to be inserted or removed.
When the team compared the genes of domestic cats to eight wild cats, the researchers found differences between the groups. This suggests that Fel d 1 is not a necessary gene for cats to survive and that removing it may not pose a health risk. Gizmodo Report.
“Gene sequences do not appear to be very well conserved during evolution, suggesting whether genes are essential,” said InBio geneticist research author Nicole Brackett.・ I told Mackenzie. BioSpace “The essential genes required for survival and survival generally do not change much during evolution. There are changes between exotic and domestic cats, which may be because these sequences are not conserved. It suggests that it is sexual. Maybe protein is not essential. “
Later, Mackenzie and her colleagues removed one using the gene editing tool CRISPR. CH1 Also CH2 With cat cells in a Petri dish. The researcher’s next step is to remove copies of the two genes at once and confirm that this process eliminates the Feld1 protein from cat cells. Only if this process is successful will scientists try to create felines without these genes. New Scientist..
Besides gene editing, there are other ways to reduce Feld1 protein in cats. Purina Has a specialized line of pet foods that reduces the amount of allergens in dandruff and fur by an average of 47% after 3 weeks of use.Another company is developing vaccination Trains the cat’s immune system to lower protein levels. However, researchers claim that these methods cannot completely eliminate allergens, so gene editing could be a tool for making truly hypoallergenic cats. Gizmodo..
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