Bird flu was found on a third farm in southern Ontario, according to CFIA
Increasing cases of bird flu across Canada have killed dozens of chickens and turkeys, devastated poultry farmers, and top Canadian veterinarians are seriously concerned about the coming weeks.
According to the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, the H5N1 strain of bird flu passed through three commercial poultry farms in southern Ontario in less than a week.
These cases were identified after the red-tailed hawk in the Waterloo region of Ontario was discovered with bird flu 10 days ago.
The CFIA has placed these three Ontario farms under strict quarantine and set up a controlled area of 10 kilometers to limit the movement of animals. It also helped nearby farms implement enhanced biosecurity measures to control the spread of the virus.
Dr. Mary Jane, Ireland, CFIA’s chief veterinarian, said she was worried about the coming days given the many wild bird migration seasons that could spread the disease.
“It’s a very devastating illness,” Dr. Ireland said in an interview.
“We are worried. This is a high-risk time and birds are moving. We detected it in Canada and more recently in Ontario … and that’s what we tell people. That’s why we’re asking you to take precautions. “
The CFIA said the outbreak of bird flu temporarily banned imports of bird and poultry products from parts of Canada, and in some cases across the country, by 24 countries, but a group of farmers’ stakeholders in Canada said. He said poultry production was primarily for domestic purposes. ..
The risk to the general public is low. Bird flu is not a serious public health concern for humans, and food safety is not an issue, Dr. Ireland said.
However, the impact on farm management can be serious.
Bird flu began to hit commercial farms in Europe last year and then the United States. It was confirmed in Canada on December 22, 2021, and the CFIA states that it was detected on exhibition farms on the Avalon Peninsula in Newfoundland and Labrador.
The virus was subsequently discovered on January 11 in a small herd on the same peninsula. The agency found it again in February at two commercial farms in Nova Scotia and in March in a backyard duck and flock of chickens.
Bird flu was first detected last Sunday on a farm near Guelph, Ontario. It was subsequently discovered on Monday at a farm near London, Ontario, and on Wednesday at another farm in Woolwich, Ontario.
The H5N1 virus is highly contagious, Dr. Ireland explained.
“Infected birds can shed the virus from saliva, birth secretions, and feces,” she said. “And it can spread through contact with the surface.”
She said their surfaces could contain shoes, debris, bedding, feed and water.
Anyone who owns a bird should stay away from wild birds. Frequently clean poultry sheds, water, feeders and clothing. Dr. Ireland said he controls what goes in and out of the shed and barn.
She said wild migratory birds are the main reservoir of the avian influenza virus.
“We believe these birds have caused illness in the area,” said Dr. Ireland. “And the wild birds are moving now.”
The virus could also be brought to the farm from contaminated manure and contaminated debris, she said.
Those observing wild birds with neurological symptoms, or farms with sudden death of birds, should contact the CFIA or a local veterinarian, Dr. Ireland said.
The Featherboard Command Center, a group of poultry farmers and members of the feed, process and services industries, is helping to respond to such emergencies, said Ingrid Deviser, its chair.
“Farmers are under a lot of stress, not only in infected facilities, but also in today’s controlled areas,” says De Visser.
She said more outbreaks are expected, as much of southern Ontario is part of a natural flight zone for the movement of aquatic birds.
“Farmers around the world need to be fully aware of what is happening and be very vigilant about biosecurity measures, whether commercial or backyard farms.
The Board is helping to clean up affected farmers and navigate the paperwork related to CFIA and insurance companies after a bird flu is found in a herd.
She used hairnets, masks, hand sanitizers, and lots of cleaning to help all farmers, not just those in the controlled area, with their own clothing when entering the area where the birds were bred. He said he needed to use boots.
A temporary import ban as a result of the outbreak has not had a significant impact, as Canada does not export much poultry, said Lisa Bishop Spencer, a spokeswoman for the Featherboard Command Center.
“Canada’s poultry and egg sector is a supply control sector, which means it’s primarily supplying the domestic market,” she said.
Ontario recommends that small herd owners and other zoological institutions not participate in shows, exchanges, or sales at this time.
Featherboard Deviser, a turkey farmer in Bruce County, Ontario, said he was always worried about the virus.
“We are doing our best to be as vigilant as possible on our farm,” she said. “Look at our birds, keep them healthy and do whatever we can.”
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