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Bald men are more vulnerable to the symptoms of COVID-19. Find out why | Health News


New Delhi: A bald man is a soft target for deadly viruses in a global battle against the coronavirus pandemic, which has killed more than 40,000 people around the world so far, according to a report from the Health website. New studies suggest that it is likely.

According to, the COVID-19 pandemic has confused researchers and physicians with its behavior since it began to spread due to symptoms and other factors. However, a factor has been observed that causes the virus to infect more men than women.

The report cites a new study highlighting the fact that bald men are more vulnerable to severe COVID-19 symptoms. Researchers at Brown University say that male pattern baldness is at a higher risk of contacting the symptoms of COVID-19. The lead author of the study, Dr. Carlos Wambier, reports that the androgen, the androgen responsible for male baldness, may be a potential entry point for a novel intracellular coronavirus. It has been.

Dr. Wambia and his team have reportedly conducted two separate studies in Spain, which also suggests that there may be a strong correlation between male baldness and COVID-19. One of these studies, published at the American Academy of Dermatology, reviewed cases of 122 COVID-19-positive men admitted to a hospital in Madrid. The findings concluded that 79% of these COVID-19 patients were bald.

Another study, published in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology, found that 71% of COVID-19 patients had male pattern baldness, but these results do not allow us to draw definitive opinions. Says.

However, the report discussed other factors that could be the reason behind men being soft targets for COVID-19.

1. The new coronavirus reportedly requires a protein called the ACE2 receptor to bind, multiply, and spread as it enters the human system. Despite protein hiding primarily in the lungs, heart, and intestines, a recent study conducted in New York and Mumbai showed that the male testicles housed large amounts of the ACE2 receptor, with the new coronavirus among them. The prevalence of the ACE2 receptor was much lower in female ovaries, while it was reported to be able to remain in the ovary for long periods of time.

2. Smoking is also a more common habit in men than women, and it has also been reported to make men more vulnerable to the risk of COVID-19 infection, several studies are cited. Cigarette smoke reportedly increased the amount of ACE2 receptors in the lung, the organ most attacked by the new coronavirus.

3. According to, unlike women, men have only one X chromosome per cell instead of two, and this chromosome contains a significant number of immune genes, including the gene for a protein called TLR7. is included. This helps doctors detect new coronaviruses, such as single-stranded RNA viruses. Due to the high number of this gene in women, with two chromosomes per cell, immune cell responses to COVID-19 infection have been reported to be superior to those in men.

4. Men are less serious about hygiene standards than women, so they calm down while taking protective measures such as handwashing, coughing etiquette, the report said, which is also one of the reasons that makes them more vulnerable. To the infectious disease that I added.


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