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Locations of therapists and mental health support for blacks


It’s more important than ever for blacks to care for their mental health (Photo: Getty)

Emotional and psychological burden of sightings and experiences RacismAnd, fighting for justice during a pandemic is currently burdening blacks.

Blacks are at risk of burnout and fatigue, so it is important to take care of their mental health. anxiety Depression due to a global event.

Research emphasizes The interests of ethnic minorities seeking mental health treatment from a therapist or councilor of the same race due to a deep understanding of their cultural background. However, this is difficult due to lack of occupational diversity and lack of access to mental health resources for minority communities.

Therefore, we have compiled a list of the most useful resources, especially for the Black Community. Because there were times more important than ever to protect your psychological well-being as a black man.

Black Thrive is a Lambeth based partnership between communities, legal institutions, voluntary and private sectors.

They work together to reduce the inequalities and injustices that blacks experience in mental health services.

They address barriers that lead to worse outcomes across a range of social factors such as education, employment and housing. All of these can adversely affect your health and well-being.

The UK’s largest independent body specializes in the work of psychology and is identified as Black, African, South Asian, and Caribbean.

Their purpose is to address the widely recognized reality of inequality in access to appropriate psychological services for blacks.

Their website offers a list of local and free resources and services for people with a minority background seeking help.

This group is working to ensure that all blacks in the UK relate to and have access to the topic of mental health.

They aim to do this by connecting black individuals and families with professional mental health services across the UK and have set up a fund to do so.

This site offers a list of black therapists and encourages people to get in touch with them to understand how it can be beneficial to find the right therapist.

Founded by Dr. Joy Harden Bradford, this Instagram account has more than 324,000 followers and offers great resources, news and tips, especially for black women.

On the website you can find color therapists and read resources that teach resilience and strategies. They also have their own podcast.

Rest for Resistance is a trance-led organization aimed at empowering LGBTQIA+ people.

The US-based platform aims to be a safe online space that promotes meditation as an act of resistance, and features a directory of art, writing, and common mental health resources.

Another US-based resource, Melanin and Mental Health, aims to connect black people with the right therapists, but in the UK other resources are available on the site.

They host a “Between Sessions” podcast that talks about topics such as how black therapists can support your friends and be productive during a pandemic.

They also offer Online Therapy Events and Webinars During this social distance.

Do you have a story to share? We want to hear from you

contact: [email protected]..

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