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The following pandemics can be caused by insect-borne viruses such as Zika and dengue. WHO: Tribune India

The following pandemics can be caused by insect-borne viruses such as Zika and dengue. WHO: Tribune India
The following pandemics can be caused by insect-borne viruses such as Zika and dengue. WHO: Tribune India


Geneva, April 2nd

The World Health Organization (WHO) warns that the next pandemic can be caused by insect-borne pathogens such as Zika and dengue.

Arthropod-borne viruses (arboviruses) such as dengue, yellow fever, chikungunya, and Zika virus are all current public health threats in tropical and subtropical regions with approximately 3.9 billion inhabitants.

The frequency and magnitude of these arboviruses, especially those transmitted by Aedes aegypti, is increasing worldwide, driven by the convergence of ecological, economic and social factors.

According to the WHO, dengue infects 390 million people annually in 130 endemic countries, and in 2016 Zika virus was found to cause congenital defects such as microcephaly. It has been detected in at least 89 countries.

Yellow fever is at high risk in 40 countries and causes death from jaundice and severe hemorrhagic fever and dengue fever. Chikungunya fever is lesser known, but it is present in 115 countries and causes severe arthropathy arthritis.

WHO said there are increasing signs that the risks posed by these illnesses are “increasing”, The Telegraph reported.

Experts are struggling to develop strategies to prevent the next outbreak from turning into a catastrophe. Targeting arboviruses is at the top of the list.

“We have been through the Covid-19 pandemic for two years and have learned difficult ways. [it costs] Don’t be prepared for high-impact events. “

“we had [a] The 2003 SARS signal and the 2009 influenza pandemic experience-but there was still a gap in our preparations, “she added. There are also signs that the risk is increasing. Experts were speaking at the launch of WHO’s new Global Arbovirus Initiative. This is an integrated strategic plan that focuses resources on risk monitoring, pandemic prevention, preparation, detection and response.

“How can these be used throughout the disease to reassess the tools at hand and ensure efficient response, evidence-based practice, well-trained personnel, and community involvement? There is an urgent need to reassess, “said Dr. Mike Ryan, Head of the Community. World Health Organization emergency program.

The United Nations Health Agency said international action is essential given the “frequency and magnitude of outbreaks” of arboviruses. WHO has warned that their reach is expanding, driven by climate change, population growth and the development of urbanization.

“As the urban population continues to grow, the threat of these diseases becomes even more alarming,” said Dr. Ren Mingui, Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary of WHO.

“The close living environment amplifies the spread of this virus, so we need to tackle these challenges now to prevent catastrophic impacts on future health systems.” IANS.




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