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What else will Florida bring to 2020? Mosquitoes Raised in a Genetically Modified Laboratory | Florida


(Center Square)-A British biotechnology company has been licensed for use by the US Environmental Protection Agency and has released millions of genetically modified mosquitoes in Florida Keys this summer.

The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services and the Florida Keys Mosquito Control District (FKMCD) Board must approve the permit before Oxitec can proceed.

On May 1st, EPA approved Oxitec’s permit on May 1st.

The five FKMCD board is Similar Oxitec Suggestion In 2016, when a non-binding referendum was revealed, the Quays residents lived in the lab in hatched mosquitoes.

Residents of Key Haven, whose release is about four miles north of Key West, opposed the experiment, with residents of Monroe County generally approving it slightly.

Oxitec, a subsidiary of US biotechnology company Intrexon, withdrew its license but re-submitted a new proposal in 2019-and a new genetically modified organism (GMO), OX5034, its second generation Aedes aegypti.

Under license, Oxitec is releasing free male OX5034 Aedes aegypti males in the lab every week for two weeks, starting with the Keys this summer and Harris County, Texas, 2021. I am aiming.

Being a “yellow fever mosquito”, Aedes aegypti can spread diseases such as dengue fever, chikungunya fever, zika fever, mayarovirus and yellow fever virus.

Oxitec provided GMO mosquitoes as a solution to reduce invasive species after the Zika virus outbreak in Miami-Dade County in the summer of 2016. Quite a few.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 218 citations were cited in Florida, 8 in Texas, and more than 5,100 Zika cases were reported in the US by the end of 2016.

According to Oxitec, when a GMO male kept in the lab is released and mated with a wild female, the offspring of the female die.

“The continuous, large-scale release of these OX5034 GM men should eventually cause a temporary collapse of the wild population,” the company said.

“We are excited to work with local governments and communities to carry out this new project, which allows us to demonstrate for the first time a proven, safe and eco-friendly solution on US soil. “Oxitec CEO Greyfransen said. statement.

“For nearly a decade, we’ve been exploring new technologies to control Aedes aegypti,” said former FKM CD executive director and current director Andrea Real in a statement accompanying the announcement. “Since this is a mosquito that is difficult to control, we have to consider every possible option.”

The FKMCD Board will meet on June 16th. Opponents said they had little opportunity to comment on what the board’s plans were. FKMCD Facebook page..

Oxitec has been conducting field trials in the Cayman Islands since 2009 and in Brazil and Panama to discuss the results.

A 2019 study of Oxitec mosquitoes released around Jacobina, Brazil, found genes from’wild’ mosquitoes of GMO-altered males, but artificial genes from mosquitoes housed in the laboratory had wild populations. Was not found in.

In March, Scientific Reports and Nature Magazine published “Editorial Expressions of Concern” about Oxitec’s claims about the effectiveness of laboratory-raised mosquitoes.

“The important thing is that something unexpected happened,” said Jeffrey Powell of Yale University who participated in the study. “Things don’t always work as expected.”


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