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PROMPT-HF, SODIUM-HF, and improving heart failure care from data to practice

PROMPT-HF, SODIUM-HF, and improving heart failure care from data to practice


For many, American College of Cardiology (ACC) 2022 Scientific Sessions This weekend in Washington, DC was about the evolution of heart failure strategies, from drug therapy to lifestyle interventions, from the latest recommendations to larger discussions on practical research.

In the second segment of the interview with HCPLive During ACC 2022, Dr. Larry Allen, Medical Director of Heart Failure at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical College, discussed interest in some of the key contributions of the conference to heart failure research.

For the PROMPT-HF trial, which evaluated the prevalence of outpatient treatment based on appropriate evidence for heart failure, Allen shared a real heart failure prescribing strategy and his own frustration. As he pointed out, beta-blocker titrations to target doses often failed, slowing the uptake of sacubitril valsartan since it was first approved in 2015, and observed early on for epreneron / sprionolactone. Concerns about safety issues are affecting its uptake.

“A better job to take what we know and what has been shown to work in randomized trials and to ensure that patients in routine practice are receiving those treatments. Do you do? “Allen agreed. “And, unfortunately, there is a lot of data there.”

Allen emphasized that his peers need to understand how to move stable but at-risk patients from outpatient treatment to the indicated prescription therapy to reduce the likelihood of relapse events. “We have strong data showing that such drugs can be very useful, but a few people (currently generics) who qualify for those drugs do not have them.” He explained. “So I think there is a lot to do.”

Some of that strategy may involve “making the right thing easier” to prescribe patients who work with clinicians alike, Allen said. He decided to try and start a quadruple heart failure treatment regimen before discharging inpatients while pharmacists strive to ensure that costs and coverage are feasible. I quoted that the team is focused.

“Therefore, when patients leave, they know what their regimen should be, they know what the cost will be, they have already tried the medicines and they know they can tolerate them. , And it makes their future care much easier, “Allen said.

Allen also has recommendations for the latest heart failure guidelines, SODIUM-HF trial— A practical assessment of the effects of a high-sodium diet on the burden of heart failure — and the need for continued research on the role of lifestyle interventions.

“I may meet the patient once a month for 30 minutes,” Allen said. “But patients live together 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In addition to taking medications several times a day, they deal with heart failure in all their actions.”




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