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Black doctor says coronavirus is “fear” as a result of protest


Dr. Darian Sutton Ramsey, 32 years old COVID-19 (New Coronavirus Infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when first appearing As an ER doctor, however, he fears his own life as a black man coming and going to his hospital in Queens. Many of his health care workers’ attacks hit: The death of George FloydSutton, who is protesting as part of the “White Coat for Blacks” movement, said that his experience as a color doctor, his own decision to protest police atrocities, and the risk of COVID spreading during the march. I’m telling the post why I’m fighting.

I always work with the duality of blacks and doctors, which is a particularly strange time for me.

I am fighting a pandemic in a trench. I have been intubated by people, put in vents and exposed to this virus.

But during this pandemic, I was less terrified and anxious than when I realized I could be killed without good cause. I especially felt it when I had to drive back from the hospital after 8 pm. curfew.

Dr. Darien Sutton Ramsey
Dr. Darien Sutton Ramseycourtesy

When you get in the car after an 8 hour shift (which may end at any time on a 24 hour schedule), you will receive a hospital badge. It has a large bold lettering “Doctor” and is pinned to the left shoulder. This way, if I get over, anyone approaching my window will see my ID and I can absorb some of that privilege.

It would be great to talk to other black doctors about this. But I’m not currently working. I receive an email from my department saying, “It’s safer and easier to access the workplace.” But there’s one scary black doctor, that’s me.

Unfortunately, these feelings are not new. I’ve been a black man and a doctor since the days of medical school.

I grew up in New York and am the son of a criminal defense counsel. Before becoming a hashtag, he was the definition of “awake.” He was the one who took me to a museum in Washington to understand slavery and show slavery violations and amputations.

My dad helped me to understand that the white coat I was trying to get was not always good. History shows that doctors who are quite atrocities wore white coats, from obstetrics and gynecology studies in the womb of slaves to studies done to young children during the Holocaust. It was

He put on my white coat and let me know that it was my job to prevent those atrocities against voiceless people.

When came to Protest started two weeks ago, I have definitely evolved my understanding of them.

Dr. Darien Sutton Ramsey
Dr. Darien Sutton Ramseycourtesy

Of course, I have always supported the cause. Protest works. The reason I am myself, that I am an educator and working as a doctor, would not have been possible without anyone protesting the lives of blacks for many years.

Still, I fought the idea that people are in close contact outside, especially for this cause, Being overly affected by viruses.

Even during the pandemic, I remembered that even though my family was highly infectious, my family was at risk of becoming infected and holding the hand of a loved one during their death. It will never stop someone from doing so. I think that is what we are currently experiencing at the national level.

The great thing about medicine is that my job is to help you understand your risk and learn how to mitigate and treat it. From that framework, I understand that your rights are on track and your risk of death is on track. If you want to protest, I won’t stop you. “This is a mask, this is a hand sanitizer. Let’s talk.”

Eventually, I took off my lab coat and personally took part in the protest. I don’t want to feel like I have to go out and protest during a pandemic. It’s like watching a doctor smoking. But I realized I couldn’t protest.

Last week I was in a zoom call with a colleague and they were talking about a new study I had never seen. The next day, people under 40 looked at another study on news affected by COVID. “Why did you miss another?”

Dr. Darien Sutton Ramsey
Dr. Darien Sutton Ramseycourtesy

For the last three days or so, I’ve been curled up on the phone and read about the killing of George Floyd and Brenna Taylor, or how I should position myself if I’m fixed on the ground. You will be able to breathe. I was wondering if I could absorb that privilege and call out to be a doctor to prevent my death if someone breaks into my apartment.

Part of the weight you carry as a color person seeks to reduce your own risk of death. My colleagues don’t have to worry about that. They may be worried, but they haven’t seen themselves drawn to the ground-fixed viral video screen. They do not see them as mothers or fathers.

I don’t wear a mask when the sun goes down. This is funny to say as a doctor fighting a pandemic that does not have viral antibodies. But what I do is to allow someone to see my entire face-make sure I’m human-don’t put bullets on my chest.


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