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COVID-19 vaccine is not related to birth

COVID-19 vaccine is not related to birth


Scientists point out fetal ultrasound

Image: Dr. Emily Miller explains the elements of fetal ultrasound to the author of the study, Dr. Rachel Ruderman.
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Credits: Northwestern University

  • Scientists analyzed ultrasound for a wide range of birth defects, from lifelong severe to short-term and mild
  • Studies advance previous CDC data that found similar results
  • In the United States, 3-5% of births are affected by birth defects

Chicago — By excluding pregnant patients in the first COVID-19 vaccine clinical trial, many patients and physicians wonder how the vaccine affects pregnant patients and their fetuses. I did. A new Northwestern medical study found that the vaccine was not associated with ultrasound-detectable birth defects.

“This is yet another important piece of data that helps pregnant individuals fill the crevices left when they were excluded from their first vaccine trial,” said the corresponding author. Dr. Emily MillerDean of Obstetrics, Northwestern Medicine, Associate Professor of Maternal and Fetal Medicine, Northwestern University School of Medicine, Fineberg.

The study will be published in the journal on April 4th JAMA Pediatrics.

“One of the reasons women suffer from vaccines during pregnancy is that they are worried about their baby and don’t want to take risks,” said the lead author. Dr. Rachel Ruderman, Resident of Fineberg’s 4th year obstetrics and gynecology department. “This study shows that the risk of birth defects is not actually increased and supports other evidence that the vaccine is safe and beneficial for mothers and babies.”

Studies analyzed for widespread birth defects

The types of birth defects that scientists were looking for in the study participants’ ultrasound were seen as “major fetal structural abnormalities,” such as the baby’s heart not being properly formed and the spine not closing properly. It was done. In the United States, 3-5% of births are affected by these types of defects, resulting in increased infant morbidity, mortality, and billions of dollars in costs.

“In the early stages of pregnancy, when organs are formed, abnormalities in organ formation can occur and can take the form of birth defects, which can affect the lives of children,” Miller said. Mr. says.

“For example, if your baby’s heart isn’t properly formed, your baby may need major heart surgery or long-term medication,” Miller said. “But if ultrasonography detects excess water in the fetal kidneys, it may eventually fix itself. We looked for those extremes and everything in between. ”

Research advances CDC’s previous findings

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), September 2021 Announced similar findings From an individual study during pregnancy. According to Miller, this study is based on CDC data and is moving it forward.

The CDC compared that study data with historical data, but the new northwestern study used modern controls. Current pregnant patients either chose not to be vaccinated or were not vaccinated within the window defined by scientists as the biological risk of birth defects. From 30 days before pregnancy to 14 weeks gestational age).

“The big strength of this study, compared to other vaccinated women, was at different times during pregnancy,” Miller said. “People who choose vaccination are often different from those who choose not to be vaccinated. Our study design helps explain some of these differences.”

In this study, electronic medical records from a cohort of 3,156 pregnant women who underwent a complete fetal anatomical study (19-week ultrasound) at the Northwestern Medicine McHentis Women’s Hospital between March and November 2021. Analyzed (including ultrasound and COVID-19 vaccination records). Of pregnant patients, 2,622 (83.1%) received at least one vaccination and 1,149 (43.8%) were vaccinated within the scientist-defined vaccination period (30 days before pregnancy to 14 weeks of pregnancy). I was inoculated.

We hope that the findings will further increase confidence in the vaccine.

Both Miller and Ruderman see the patient at Prentice. As part of his residency, Ruderman also sees patients at John H. Stroger Junior Hospital in Cook County. Despite new data that continue to support the safety of vaccination for pregnant individuals, hesitation still exists, they said.

“Patients say,’I don’t think the data is good, and everyone is infected with COVID anyway, why expose my baby?'” Received a booster shot at the 12th week of pregnancy. Ruderman said. “Then I tell people’in fact, the data is really good’, and I feel they are receptive, so these findings just add to that.”

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