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What is Listeria?Bacterial warning as food poisoning disease currently under investigation

What is Listeria?Bacterial warning as food poisoning disease currently under investigation
What is Listeria?Bacterial warning as food poisoning disease currently under investigation


A warning was issued in the light of food Outbreak of poisoning.

Cases of Listeria monocytogenes (a bacterium that can cause listeriosis) are associated with smoking fish Including salmon.

Outbreaks are currently being investigated by UK Health and Security Agency, Food Standards Agency and Food Standards Scotland.

Since January of this year, a total of 6 cases of listeriosis have been discovered in the United Kingdom and Scotland. This includes one case of a pregnant woman.

The disease can cause vomiting and diarrhea, is dangerous for the elderly, is vulnerable, and is vulnerable. Pregnant woman.

Listeriosis can lead to miscarriage and, in severe cases, stillbirth.

Bacteria are widespread in the environment and can contaminate a variety of foods at low or standard refrigeration temperatures.

It can be destroyed by thorough cooking.

Foods that do not require further cooking, such as smoked fish, are of greatest concern for chilled and ready-to-eat foods.

Cracker smoked salmon
Bacteria are common in smoked fish such as smoked salmon.
(Image: Getty)

Tina Potter, Head of the Food Standards Department’s case, said: The risk of asking you to make sure that smoked fish is always completely cooked, including when consuming smoked fish and serving it as part of a dish before eating it.

“We work closely with UK partners across the government to make this advice as clear as possible. The general public does not have to avoid these products, but risk as much as possible. Need to reduce.

“To do this, chill the smoked fish that is ready to eat (below 5 ° C), always use the product by the expiration date, and follow the storage and use instructions on the label to smoke the fish. Cook or reheat until straight and hot. “

What are the symptoms of listeriosis?

According to the NHS Listeriosis is asymptomatic or causes only a few days of mild symptoms such as:

  • High temperature above 38 ℃
  • Pain and pain
  • cold
  • Mood and illness
  • diarrhea

Listeriosis is less severe and in most cases the symptoms disappear after a few days.

However, some people are at high risk of developing serious problems.

According to the NHS High-risk groups include:

  • Pregnant person
  • Newborn baby
  • Those over 65 years old
  • People with weakened immunity such as cancer, liver disease, kidney disease, etc.
  • People receiving treatments that weaken the immune system, such as chemotherapy and steroid tablets
  • Diabetic patients who cannot lower their blood sugar levels even after treatment (uncontrolled diabetes)

Professor Saheer Gharbia, Interim Deputy Director of Gastrointestinal Infectious Diseases and Food Safety (One Health) at UKHSA, said:

“But it can have more serious consequences for some people, especially those with existing health conditions that cause weakened immunity, and those who are pregnant.

“There are certain foods that are at higher risk. Given this outbreak, we recommend that pregnant and vulnerable people cook thoroughly before eating smoked fish.

“If you have any concerns about your health, talk to your midwife, family doctor, or a team of hospital specialists.”

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