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After struggling to access Covid medicines in the UK, cancer patients became seriously ill | NHS

After struggling to access Covid medicines in the UK, cancer patients became seriously ill | NHS


Cancer patients infected with coronavirus England After the inaccessibility of antibodies and antivirals on the NHS, it is becoming a serious illness.

The minister has promised to provide early treatment to 1.3 million people, which means that the immune system is at high risk of serious illness, hospitalization or death. Treatments include the monoclonal antibody sotrovimab (Xevudy), the antiviral drugs nilmatrelvir and litnavir (Paxlovid), remdesivir (Veklury), and molnupiravir (Lagevrio).

However, Guardians say that while many patients benefit from treatment, others have difficulty accessing treatment. As a result, some people have become seriously ill. health Charities say that bureaucratic formalism and lack of clear guidance have caused “popular turmoil” and anxiety for some of the most vulnerable people in society.

Kate Keightley, Head of Blood Support Services cancer The UK said: “The new treatment is a very important step in keeping people with blood cancer safe, and we’ve heard stories from many who have been treated without question, but it’s clearly qualified. Despite being there, I’ve heard from people who are having trouble accessing them. I understand that there was a tooth growth problem when these treatments started in January, It’s a shame that the system still has serious problems after three months.

“Every day we talk to people with blood cancer who are infected with Covid and are afraid of what will happen. The last thing they need is the additional stress of chasing. NHS I’m waiting for treatment, and often worried about calls that won’t come.

“We also know people who are short of time to receive treatment and have subsequently become seriously ill. Especially because of the very high infection rates, the government and the NHS are all qualified. There is an urgent need to focus on these treatments in order for them to be in contact and available. “

Phillip Anderson, Head of Policy for the MS Society, said: .. The reality is so different that MS people aren’t aware that they can’t use private tests to register antiviral drugs, even though they haven’t explained at all what the pack of immunochromatography is for. I’m listening. now. Failure to communicate these very important changes to access them and believing that their last many rush guidance was sufficient simply led to public confusion. “

Professor Paul Hunter of the University of East Anglia said the government should consider increasing the number of people receiving antiviral drugs, given record levels of Covid infection. “Personally, I think people over the age of 75 may be given antivirals,” he said. “These are people at higher risk of serious illness than young people, even in the absence of other risk factors.”

The NHS England said treatment was available to all eligible patients and tens of thousands benefited from them. A spokeswoman said: “The NHS will continue to support GPs, NHS 111, and hospitals, giving qualified patients access to emergency assessments through the Covid-19 Drug Delivery Unit, which will allow patients to receive treatment seven days a week. “

The Ministry of Health said it had more per capita antivirals than any other country in Europe, adding: If you do not hear from the NHS, please contact the GP. “




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