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COVID-19: BC Vaccine Card Mandate to be removed on Friday

COVID-19: BC Vaccine Card Mandate to be removed on Friday


British Columbia citizens no longer need to show evidence COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) As of Friday, April 8th, immunity to attend concerts, eat at restaurants, and go to the gym.

State Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry announced the lifting of the last major COVID-19 public health restriction on Tuesday afternoon.

However, companies can determine if they need a vaccine card to enter the country, Henry said.

Click to play video:'COVID-19: Not all BC companies can remove vaccine card requirements'

COVID-19: Not all British Columbia companies can remove the vaccine card requirement

COVID-19: Not all British Columbia companies can remove the vaccine card requirement

This is because an independent modeler has warned about the sixth wave of COVID-19 cases in the state.

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However, Henry quickly points out that COVID-related hospitalizations and visits to the intensive care unit remain manageable, even though cases may be increasing.

“We believe we can remove some of the restrictions that put pressure on risk. We know that some companies decide to use vaccine cards based on their customers. “Henry said.

“For most young people, and even those in the 60-70 age group, prices remain very low. It’s very clear that having a booster is very protective.”

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COVID-19: BC provides seniors and seniors with spring boosters: Henry

COVID-19: BC provides seniors and seniors with spring boosters: Henry

The state will also abolish the COVID-19 specific safety plan on Friday. The plan is replaced by the infectious disease plan.

Post-higher education resident vaccine requirements will also be lifted on Friday.

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read more:

BC to provide a fourth dose of COVID-19 vaccine to people over 70 years of age

The state will also move to weekly COVID-19 data reporting from Thursday. Weekly reports include cases, hospitalizations, deaths, and other virus-related data.

When announcing the changes, the state also presented the latest modeling data.

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COVID-19: British Columbia health authorities report different numbers, but regulated health professionals still need vaccines

COVID-19: British Columbia health authorities report different numbers, but regulated health professionals still need vaccines

Health officials are working on the assumption that about 50 percent of the total population was infected with COVID at some point during the pandemic.

“In our community, we have higher potential levels of protection than ever before,” says Henry.

“A population of 0-4 people who do not have access to a vaccine has approximately 60% substantial protection against the virus from infection.”

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Under this assumption, the state predicts that daily COVID hospitalizations could increase from about 50 new hospitalizations per day to just under 100 per day.

The peak in January was about 115 to 125 new admissions per day.

However, recently, COVID-19 hospitalizations for people over the age of 80 have increased.

From January 2022 to March 2022, the number of unvaccinated hospitalizations was 400 per 100,000. The vaccination rate for the two vaccinations was 160 per 100,000, and the vaccination rate for the three vaccinations was about 60 per 100,000 in the population.

read more:

COVID-19: British Columbia lifts mask obligations on indoor public spaces on Friday, vaccine card in April

Click to play video:'COVID-19:'We are in a better place now': BC is preparing to withdraw vaccine card obligations'

COVID-19: “We are in a better place now”: BC is preparing to withdraw vaccine card mandates

COVID-19: “We are in a better place now”: BC is preparing to withdraw vaccine card mandates

read more:

COVID-19: British Columbia has the highest total death toll in the top 3,000 and the lowest number of ICU cases since early August.

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It was still in a pandemic BC, and reached a tough milestone on Friday as the death toll since the start of the pandemic exceeded 3,000.

However, the state also recorded the fewest cases in the intensive care unit since early August.

on Monday, The state reported 321 inpatients47 increase from Friday.

See the full update of COVID-19 on April 5, 2022 here:

© 2022 Global News, a division of Corus Entertainment Inc.




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