US experts discuss COVID boosters after the fall
Vaccine experts meet to discuss US strategies for future COVID-19 booster campaigns
Washington-US, while many Americans are trying to continue their lives two years after the COVID-19 pandemic health Authorities are discussing the best way to use vaccination Go ahead coronavirus..
A panel of US vaccine experts met on Wednesday to discuss key questions for the upcoming COVID-19 booster campaign. Food and Drug Administration vaccine advisors do not make binding decisions during virtual meetings, but their advice could shape the government’s approach in the coming years.
Dr. Peter Markes, FDA’s head of vaccines, told reporters last week that it wouldn’t be surprising if authorities approved another booster in the fall to protect most Americans from the latest coronavirus mutations. Said. He held a meeting on Wednesday, warning that the decline in vaccine protection, new variants, and the cold later this year could increase the risk of further spikes.
“Integrating all of this, we can conclude that the general debate on booster immunization against COVID-19 is currently justified for potential intervention,” Marks said. increase.
Some of the important questions about the panel:
How does the United States need to decide when to start a future round of booster shots? Who needs to get them?
Last week, the FDA approved additional Pfizer or Moderna Shots for people over the age of 50, and for some young people with significantly weakened immune systems. This is an effort ahead of another possible surge.
Only about half of the Americans targeted for a third shot get a third shot. And some independent experts say healthy For individuals, limited evidence of profit or for a period of time in which it may last.
The last US wave was caused by a variant of Omicron. During that surge, the two doses were nearly 80% effective against the need for mechanical ventilation or death — and boosters boosted that protection to 94%, federal scientists report. did. Cases of COVID-19 have fallen to low levels in the United States, health Authorities are closely watching the Omicron brothers, who now make up the majority.
What is the process for updating the vaccine to address the new variant?
All COVID-19 vaccines currently used in the United States are based on the original coronavirus version that appeared in late 2019. Vaccine renewal is a complex task and requires coordination between the FDA, manufacturers, and global health authorities.
The annual influenza vaccine renewal process provides one possible model for dealing with mutations. The FDA Panel is expected to discuss the pros and cons of adopting such an approach.
Twice a year, World Health Organization experts recommend renewing influenza vaccines for emerging strains. The FDA then brings these recommendations to its own vaccine panel, votes to see if it makes sense for the United States, and prepares manufacturers to fine-tune their shots and start mass production.
However, COVID-19 has not yet fallen into a predictable pattern like influenza. Vaccine manufacturers may also need more time to carry out additional research on the COVID-19 vaccine, which has no record of safety and efficacy over the same decades as influenza vaccination.
The Associated Press’s Department of Health Sciences is supported by the Science Education Department of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. AP is solely responsible for all content.
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