COVID-19 is associated with an increased risk of blood clots even after several months
- According to a new study, people infected with COVID-19 are at increased risk of blood disorders months after illness.
- This may be due to inflammation caused by the disease.
- Vaccination helps protect people from developing blood clots and bleeding disorders after COVID-19.
New research
Researchers in Sweden analyzed national registration data for more than one million people and found that the risk of blood clots in the legs and lungs could last up to six months after experiencing a pandemic virus.
Dr. Richard BeckerProfessor and Director, UC Cardiac, Pulmonary and Vascular Research Institute, and UC Department of Cardiovascular Health and Diseases at UC Medical College, told Healthline that these findings indicate the importance of data collection.
“They show the power and potential of a national database to capture the natural history of the disease. In this particular case, it’s COVID-19,” Becker said.
In this study, researchers identified more than one million laboratory-identified COVID-19-infected individuals from the onset of the pandemic to mid-2021. They also matched age, gender, and region with more than 4 million people who did not test positive for the virus.
Data suggest that risk increases five-fold Deep vein thrombosis (Deep veins, usually blood clots in the legs), the risk of bleeding is doubled and the risk is increased 33 times. Pulmonary embolus (Lung clot), most at risk in patients with pre-existing conditions.
The results also show that these risks were significantly increased 70 days after infection with deep vein thrombosis and 110 days with pulmonary embolism, and the risk of bleeding was increased for 2 months.
The results show that “the risk of deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism persists for at least 6 months after the initial infection,” Becker said.
The risk of coagulation was greatest during the first pandemic wave and in those who experienced more serious illness compared to the second and third waves.
Researchers say this may be explained by improved vaccine coverage and treatment of older patients after the first wave.
Researchers have found an increased risk of deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism, even among unhospitalized patients with mild symptoms. However, there was no increased risk of bleeding in mild cases.
“The infection severity and risk profile of COVID-19 survivors helped identify those who are most likely to experience venous thromboembolism after discharge,” Becker said.
He added that the findings may suggest different risks of thrombosis between COVID-19 mutants.
Experts pointed out that this was an observational study, so researchers only analyzed the available data and did not identify the cause.
Researchers have also addressed some restrictions that may have influenced their findings.
These include:
- Thrombosis may be underdiagnosed in patients with COVID-19
- Virus testing was limited during the first wave
- No information was available regarding vaccination
They said that older people at high risk of coagulation were initially prioritized for vaccination.
“As an observational study, it must be carefully interpreted because of confounding factors that may not be explained,” he said. Daniela Kadian-Dodov, New York Mount Sinai Heart Vascular Medicine Specialist. “But this is in line with our understanding of the relationship between COVID-19, thrombosis, and bleeding risk so far.”
This study highlights potentially life-threatening complications for people with COVID-19. What Kadian-Dodov called “especially worrisome”.
“Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) occurs most often in the lower extremities and can show swelling, pain, or discoloration,” says Kadian-Dodov.
According to Kadian-Dodov, the main risk of DVT is pulmonary embolism (PE). This is when part of the DVT breaks and moves to the lungs.
“This causes great stress on the heart and can be life-threatening,” she warned.
Kadian-Dodov explained that treatment with anticoagulants may stop the clotting process and allow the body to break blood clots. In some cases, there is evidence that the blood clots have not completely disappeared and can be confirmed by imaging tests years after the first event.
There are multiple reasons why COVID-19 may increase the risk of developing blood clots. Especially for those who had to be hospitalized because of this illness.
Doctor Nikhil BhayaniInfectious disease physician advisors from Texas Health Resources have stated that damage to the lining of blood vessels due to COVID-19 infection can lead to inflammatory processes and the formation of blood clots.
He said other factors included long-term immobility of the disease and some patients having a predisposition to develop blood clots.
“Fixing a patient can cause blood flow to stop and blood clots to form,” says Bhayani.
Kadian-Dodov said vaccination against COVID-19 has been established to result in milder illness for those who develop the disease.
“As a result, the inflammatory response to the disease is alleviated and the patient is protected from it.Immune thrombosis,'” She said,” The immune system mediated blood clotting due to the enormous inflammation described in COVID-19. “
Kadian-Dodov advised that vaccination against the pandemic virus remains the “strongest defense” against the consequences of COVID-19 and all associated infections.
Researchers examined data from more than one million people and found that the risk of dangerous blood clots in the legs and lungs was significantly increased for up to six months after infection.
Experts say this may be due to inflammation known to be caused by COVID-19 infection.
They also say that vaccination is the best protection we have against the development of blood clots caused by COVID-19.
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