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People gargle bleach and drink household cleaners to avoid coronaviruses


New report by Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reveals that more and more Americans are poisoning Cleaning supplies To their bodies under the false belief that doing so protects them from the coronavirus.

Such an action is something that President Donald Trump comment In late April, we proved that ingesting or injecting cleaning products could potentially cure one of the coronaviruses.

of Investigation Nearly two in five out of the May 2020 opt-in internet survey respondents said that high-risk risk was not recommended by the CDC or other reputable scientific groups to prevent the spread of coronaviruses. Found to be engaged in the practices of. 19% apply bleach to foods such as fruits and vegetables, 18% apply household cleaners and disinfectants to the skin, 10% spray cleaners and disinfectants, 6% household use Bleach, soapy water and other cleaning and disinfecting solutions diluted by inhaling smoke from detergents and disinfectants, 4% swallowed or gargled.

1 in 4 respondents experienced nose and sinus inflammation 11%, skin irritation 8%, eye irritation 8%, dizziness, lightheadedness, or headache 8% experienced stomach problems or nausea, and 6% experienced respiratory problems.

“These actions pose a risk of serious tissue damage and corrosive damage and should be strictly avoided,” the CDC explained in its report. “The adverse health effects reported by respondents may not be due to their involvement in high-risk behaviors, but the link between these high-risk behaviors and the reported health effects is Demonstrates the need for a message on safe and effective cleaning and disinfection practices. Prevention of SARS-CoV-2 infections at home.”

In fact, President Donald Trump aroused controversy during the outbreak of the coronavirus by creating dangerous health recommendations (including those that include cleaning products) alleged to help prevent infection. .. inside April press conference Trump asked how bleach and rubbing alcohol can kill surface viruses, “I don’t know how to do that by injecting it inside or almost cleaning it. Is it because it invades the lungs and does it. It would be interesting to see that because there are huge numbers in the lungs.”

He Detailed later in a press conference“It’s not by injection. I’m talking about cleaning and sterilizing most of the area. Maybe it works, but maybe it doesn’t. But when it’s on a stationary object, it’s certainly a big effect. there is. “

It is unclear how long scientists will spend developing effective drugs to treat or prevent COVID-19, a disease that occurs after some patients have been infected with coronavirus. Talk to the salon last month “Looking at the history of HIV drugs, there are cocktails that work in a combination that can basically control HIV. It’s a chronic illness and a virus,” said Eric Faigledin, epidemiologist and senior researcher at the American Federation of Scientists. Suppress, but all the early trials of HIV were modest, then built like a repertoire.

“But it takes time. This virus is very new. It usually takes years to set up a trial version, or months otherwise, where we’re fighting time. .”

Meanwhile, over 100 different government agencies and pharmaceutical companies are busy working Development of potential vaccine..

What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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