Ida Hofish and Game Commission adjusts hunting season triggered by CWD, EHD
The Idaho Fish and Games Commission recently approved some proposed changes to deer and elk hunting in response to an outbreak of disease in the Clearwater area last year.
Epidemic hemorrhagic disease struck low-altitude areas of the region last summer, killing thousands of white-tailed deer. Chronic wasting disease was detected in Game Management Unit 14 in October. This is the first time a fatal disease has been detected in Idaho.
In response to the discovery of CWD, the Commission approved the expansion of hunting in areas designed to keep the prevalence of the disease below 5% and slow the geographical spread.
“This is the beginning of the management of chronic wasting disease in Unit 14 and Idaho,” said agency director Ed Schriever. “From what we have learned, we will adapt in the future.”
Here are some of the other recently approved measures:
The Commission increased the number of hunting tags managed by the Unit 14 mule deer from 180 to 380 during the hunting season from October 10th to November 20th.
From October 10th to November 20th, Unit 14 approved a new management hunt with 180 “additional” Antlerless tags for mule deer. The “Add” tag allows the hunter to harvest another deer in addition to the regular or managed hunt tag.
The Commission has added 250 “extra” Antlerd Whitetail tags and 250 “extra” Antlerless Whitetail tags. Each hunt runs on Unit 14 from October 10th to November 20th.
Landlord tags are provided based on the percentage of tags available in the controlled hunt drawing, in addition to the controlled hunt tags.
Elk tags increase from 50 tags to 80 tags in Managed Hunt 14-1 Landowner Permit Hunt No. 2165. In addition, the southern boundary of the hunt unit will be extended by approximately 3 miles.
The commissioner also mandated deer, elk, and moose CWD inspections at Units 14 and 15.
The commissioner has eliminated 1,500 controlled hunt tags for the Antleres white-tailed deer in response to an outbreak of EHD that killed an estimated 6,000 to 10,000 animals. Reductions include 200 youth tags for Hunt 8-1X, 350 for Hunt 8-2X, 350 for Hunt 8A-1X, 300 for 10A-1X, and 300 for Hunt 11A-1X.
Fish and game officials discovered six CWDs in Unit 14 deer and elk last fall and winter. Tests have estimated that the amount of disease, or prevalence, is less than 2% in deer and even lower in elk. According to the ministry, studies in other states show that keeping the prevalence rate below 5% can slow its spread. When the prevalence of CWD exceeds 5%, the disease spreads rapidly within the herd and is more likely to spread geographically.
CWD is a neurological disorder that affects deer, elk, mousse, and caribou. There are no actual live tests of this disease, so only samples taken from dead animals can be used. For the first time in Idaho, CWD is found in 29 US provinces and four Canadian provinces, including neighboring Montana, Wyoming, and Utah.
Although it has never been shown to infect humans, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advises people not to consume the meat of animals with this disease. Regulations governing the Chronic Wasting Disease Control Zone prohibit feeding deer and elks and prohibit the removal of deer and elk heads or spinal columns, including animals killed on salvaged roads.
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