A revolution is needed to treat cancer in the UK
The symptoms of cancer are ambiguous and can be difficult to define. They can range from unexplained weight loss to abnormal lumps. However, in general, the signs are persistent and steadily progress and worsen over time. Eventually, the patient may reach the stage of being admitted to the hospital in an emergency. Sadly, it does not signal survival potential just because it may have been too wide to be cured by surgery or radiation therapy.
and Recently published researchOncology experts, such as the University College London, estimate that more than one-third of UK patients did it between 2012 and 2017, compared to countries with comparable wealth. It’s a much higher percentage. It is important to note that this was before the pandemic when the blockade and the associated fear were found to have had a devastating effect on early diagnosis. If you collate the latest numbers, I think that number will be much higher.
Why are these delays occurring? The problem is that the patient is not symptomatic for a variety of reasons. But perhaps more radically, accessing surgery for general practitioners for many people is a challenging task. In recent years, too many people have experienced significant delays, and some may have accepted the pain, downplayed its importance, and gave up altogether.
This issue with GP has been around for decades. The “two-week wait” referral was introduced in 2000 to streamline the process. I belonged to the NHS committee that designed it, but the number of patients diagnosed by this method is relatively small, and certainly not the desired effect. Colleagues from other countries laugh at being able to ensure that everyone is organized within two weeks, whether they have cancer or not. They do not understand the huge lack of diagnostic ability here and the inefficiency of our referral process.
However, it is easy to point out these issues with hindsight. I’m much more interested in how to start solving the problem. The public health message fails if the patient is unaware that they may have a problem until the pain is overwhelmed enough to visit the A & E.Needs a collaborative and well-funded government campaign comparable to the infamous government “Stay Home” message We were all very accustomed to the blockade.
Those powerful words – Stay At Home – were dug into the spirit of the country at the astronomical sacrifice of society. Now, the behavioral scientists behind it should pay attention to undoing some of the deep damage it caused, especially with regard to early detection of cancer.
Still, this is not enough. Driving the demand for diagnostic tests is one thing, but providing the ability to perform diagnostic tests is a completely different logistical challenge. With government support, the development of community diagnostic hubs across the country has made some progress to fill this gap. Rutherford, a private cancer treatment provider for which I am the Chief Medical Officer, has built one in Taunton in collaboration with the Somerset NHS Foundation Trust.
We have served the NHS on a non-profit basis from all treatment and diagnostic centers to help confront the cancer crisis. And I want to do more. The proposal was made in December, but has not yet been picked up.
Now we need to streamline the process to make these facilities accessible to more patients. The GP’s workforce is declining and confused. Development of NHS111 algorithm, which introduces people directly to the diagnostic center, Bypass GPWith capacity, it’s a wise solution. It will relieve general practitioner’s pressure on surgery and eliminate unnecessary patient delays.
If more than one-third of patients are unaware that they may have cancer until they vomit or become unable to walk painfully, the system clearly needs to be reformed. Communication, infrastructure and access all need significant improvements. Otherwise, our low position at the International League Table for Early Cancer Diagnosis will persist or worsen gradually. Future patients do not need to speak anymore and need concrete action.
Professor Karol Sikora is a consultant oncology scholar and chief medical officer at Rutherford Cancer Centers.
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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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