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Studies discover permanent racial and ethnic disparities in sleep time-ScienceDaily

Studies discover permanent racial and ethnic disparities in sleep time-ScienceDaily


Using data collected from the 2004-2018 National Health Interview Survey, researchers found that the percentage of people who reported less than 7 hours of sleep per day increased significantly over 15 years, among blacks. I found that it increased significantly in.

The study was published on April 7th JAMA network open..

“As an indicator of sleep health, proper sleep time is essential for achieving and maintaining a healthy life,” said César Caraballo-Cordovez, a postdoctoral fellow at the Yale University Achievement Research and Evaluation Center (CORE). The doctor says. “Current expert consensus is that most adults need to sleep 7-9 hours in 24 hours. On average, blacks are less likely to report such a recommended period of sleep. Specifically, in the 15 years we analyzed, blacks had the highest prevalence of both short sleep times. [fewer than seven hours] And long sleep time [more than nine hours].. “

In 2018, a team led by Yale University reported that the percentage of people who reported short sleep was 11 points higher for blacks than for whites. The same gap was 7.5 points in 2004. They investigated how these findings vary with gender and household income, and found that the disparity was highest between black women and middle-income or high-income black individuals.

When analyzing sleep time by age, there were also differences between racial and ethnic groups. For example, they found that inequality was highest in young and middle-aged black adults and slightly narrowed among older people. “This suggests that factors related to working or employment conditions disproportionately prevent black individuals from getting enough sleep,” said Caraballo-Cordovez.

Sleep is closely associated with overall physical and mental health, said senior author Harlan M. Krummholz, MD, SM, Harold H. Hines, Junior Medical Professor and Director of CORE at Yale University. ..

“Both short and long sleep times are associated with a high risk of suffering from adverse medical events, including a high risk of death,” he said. “Therefore, the persistent sleep disparity of blacks may contribute to the deterioration of the average health of blacks. Minority and ethnic individuals, including racial discrimination, are appropriate. New efforts are needed to eliminate socio-economic and health conditions that prevent people from achieving good sleep.

The research team included Shiwani Mahajan, MBBS, and MHS. Javier Valero-Elizondo, MD, MPH; Former Lu, ScD; Daisy Massey, Amarnath R. Annapureddy, MD; Britaroy, MD, MPH, MHS; Karthik Murugiah, MD, MPP, MHS; Karthik Murugiah, MBBS; Johanna Elumn, MSW, PhD; Marcellanes-Smith, MD, MHS; Howard P. Forman, MD, MBA; Dr. Chandra Jackson, MS; Khurram Nasir, MD, SM; and Dr. Jeff Herin.

Story source:

material Provided by Yale University.. Original written by Elizabeth Wrightman. Note: Content can be edited in style and length.




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