SleepLoop unknowingly enhances deep sleep
Researchers have developed wearable devices that play specific sounds to enhance deep sleep.
Initial clinical studies of the device have shown that it works, but not at the same level of effectiveness for everyone.
Many people, especially the elderly, suffer from abnormal sleep. In particular, deep sleep stages become shorter and shallower with age.Deep sleep is important for regeneration Brain and memoryAnd also has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system.
Researchers have shown that the brain waves that characterize deep sleep, the so-called slow waves, can be improved by playing accurately timed sounds through earphones during sleep. This works well in sleep laboratories under controlled conditions, but so far no home solution can be used for more than one night.
That’s where Sleep Loop comes in.
The SleepLoop system consists of a headband that is worn at bedtime and worn all night. This headband contains electrodes and microchips that constantly measure the brain activity of a sleeping person. Future data will be autonomously analyzed in real time on the microchip using custom software.
As soon as the sleeping person shows slow waves in the brain activity that characterizes deep sleep, the system triggers a short auditory click signal. This helps synchronize nerve cells and enhance slow waves. What makes the solution unique is that the sleeping person is not consciously aware of the deep sleeping sounds.
In the first clinical study, researchers equipped participants aged 60-80 years with a SleepLoop system that needed to be operated at home. The system is designed to work independently even for users with little technical experience.
“This worked very well. Surprisingly, there was little data loss and participants rated the device as user-friendly,” said Caroline Lustenberger. Group leader of ETH Zurich’s Neural Control of Movement Lab.
Participants wore the device every night for 4 weeks, were given auditory stimulation every night for 2 weeks, and were not stimulated for the next 2 weeks. Neither the subject nor the researcher knew in which two weeks the auditory signal was reproduced and in which two weeks it was not.
The results of 16 participants in the study show that it was actually possible to enhance the slow wave. Auditory signal During the deep sleep of most participants. However, individual differences were large, with some subjects responding very well to the stimulus and others responding minimally or not at all.
The question of whether a person responded to a stimulus did not depend on their well-being during the day, Lustenberger says.
“Some people generally responded well to stimuli and showed clearly enhanced slow waves, while others did not respond regardless of their daily well-being.”
Researchers have used these individual differences to more accurately predict how a particular individual will respond to auditory stimuli. This allows you to optimize and improve SleepLoop performance.
Spin-off company Tosoo AG is currently working on further device development and preparation for the clinical market. It is already clear that it is not freely available, but only by a doctor’s prescription.
“This is a medical device, not a wellness consumer product that can be ordered online when a problem arises. sleep“Walter Karlen, who developed the technology at ETH Zurich and is now the director of the Institute for Biomedical Engineering at Ulm University.”
“The use of the device must be medically indicated and supervised by a doctor,” he says. Further development of the technology will continue in Ulm.
The study will be displayed in Communication medicine.. Additional co-authors are from the University of Zurich and Ulm University.
Source: ETH Zurich
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