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NHS accused Scottish OAP of “waiting for hours” for the fourth Covid vaccine

NHS accused Scottish OAP of “waiting for hours” for the fourth Covid vaccine


Fourth deployment by the NHS Board Coronavirus vaccine After the pensioner has been queued for more than an hour, he has been criticized for his upcoming appointment to get a jab.

Scottish NHS board Last month, we launched a second booster jab for people over the age of 75 and especially those who are considered vulnerable to Covid.

The Top-up me It has been administered about 6 months after the Scottish people received their first booster jab last fall.

However, the photos shared with the records suggest that the jab deployment is not as smooth as the health director expected.

One local said his parents were seen two hours after their designated time.
One local said his parents were seen two hours after their designated time.
(Image: included)

The image shows a row of seniors extending from the front door around the corner of the Lagoon Leisure Center. Paisley Sunday afternoon.

The author of the photo said he took an 82-year-old dad and a 79-year-old mom to the center to get a second booster jab on April 10.

They arrived at 1:45 pm due to the 2:00 pm appointment. However, 30 minutes after the scheduled time, they were still outside the building and people who came out of it told me that it would take at least another hour to get vaccinated.

The man said his parents were finally vaccinated shortly before 4 pm.

He told the record: “The rows are around the building. All these old men are standing outside the building. It’s a shambles.

“And when you actually enter the door, it seems that big snakes are lined up in a row.

“My dad has dementia at the age of 82, so he’s not very alert and can’t deal with it.

“They promised him 2 pm, and he wasn’t even in the building after 30 minutes.”

75+ are invited to get a second booster jab
75+ are invited to get a second booster jab
(Image: Kirsty O’Connor / PA Wire)

He added: “You will think that the NHS knows what it has been doing so far.

“It’s okay if people between the ages of 35 and 55 are standing, but we can’t have people over the age of 75 stand for this long. They stand with canes and the like.”

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde bosses apologized for the delay at the lagoon center, which accused “very high demand”.

However, a spokesperson for the Health Commission did not state why the promised time was not kept.

They say: “We apologize for some patients experiencing delays at the Paisley Lagoon Center.

“The demand for the second booster is so high that today’s clinic is very busy and we have added staff to meet the demand accordingly.

“I would like to thank the general public for their patience and support in going to our clinic, and thank those who continued to receive vaccination offers.

“Vaccination is the only best way for people to help fight COVID-19 and we encourage everyone to accept their invitation.”

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