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Debilitating symptoms that most patients are struggling with; coping tips based on the latest research

Debilitating symptoms that most patients are struggling with; coping tips based on the latest research
Debilitating symptoms that most patients are struggling with; coping tips based on the latest research


Parkinson's disease

Parkinson’s disease is a chronic neuropathy and there is no cure or reliable preventive technique.

Photo: iStock

Main highlights

  1. Parkinson’s disease occurs when nerve cells in the area of ​​the brain that controls movement (basal ganglia) die or become impaired.
  2. These neurons or nerve cells produce a chemical in the brain known as dopamine.
  3. Experts are still uncertain how and why cells are damaged, but they blame genetics and hereditary genetic mutations.

New Delhi: Parkinson’s disease is a neurological movement disorder characterized by tremor, stiffness, tremors, balance, and coordination problems. A disease that has no cure, the condition begins slowly and progresses over time. Both men and women can develop this condition. However, men are 50% more likely to do so. Age is often cited as the primary risk factor associated with Parkinson’s disease, with the majority of patients developing after age 60. Still, some patients have to struggle with early onset that can occur before the age of fifty. This World Parkinson’s Day, neuropathy, its most debilitating symptoms, and some coping tips for patients will be provided in detail.

What Causes Parkinson’s Disease?

by National Institute on AgingParkinson’s disease occurs when nerve cells in the area of ​​the brain that controls movement (basal ganglia) die or become impaired. These neurons or nerve cells produce a chemical in the brain known as dopamine. Therefore, when a neuron dies or becomes impaired, it cannot produce enough levels of dopamine to cause the motor-related symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. Experts are still uncertain how and why cells are damaged, but they blame genetics and hereditary genetic mutations.

What are the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease?

Parkinson’s disease is the second most common neurodegenerative disease affecting adults in the world. In India in 2016, 580,000 people were reported to live with Parkinson’s disease. According to the 2018 Global Disease Burden Survey, the prevalence of Parkinson’s disease has doubled globally in the last 20 years.

Parkinson’s disease usually begins slowly and then worsens. Some of the most common early symptoms that patients are struggling with are:

  1. trembling
  2. Difficulty of walking and talking
  3. Slow movement
  4. Stiffness of muscles and limbs
  5. Bending posture
  6. Adjustment problem
  7. Muscle twists, cramps
  8. Deterioration of facial expression
  9. Changes in speech and voice

Some patients may also report behavioral changes such as:

  1. depression
  2. Malaise
  3. Memory impairment
  4. Sleeping disorder

How to deal with Parkinson’s disease?

Parkinson’s disease is a chronic neuropathy and there is no cure or reliable preventive technique. Still, there are some simple non-medical ways to deal with it.

according to John Hopkins Medicine, The following will help patients cope with their illness, relieve their symptoms and improve their quality of life. These include:
  1. Get enough sleep
  2. After a balanced diet
  3. Hydration
  4. Do regular exercise
  5. Tai Chi
  6. Take dietary supplements as needed
  7. Massage therapy
  8. yoga
  9. acupuncture
  10. Exercise therapy

Disclaimer: The tips and suggestions in this article are for general information purposes only and should not be construed as professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor or dietitian before starting a fitness program or making dietary changes.




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