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Heart problems after COVID-19 are rare in children and young adults and require further study

Heart problems after COVID-19 are rare in children and young adults and require further study



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Heart complications are rare, but treatable, treatable, manageable, and even for children and young adults after COVID-19 or SARS-CoV-2 infection, according to a new scientific statement from the American Heart Association. Prevents cardiovascular complications from the SARS-CoV-2 virus in adolescents.Statement released today in the association’s flagship journal Circulation..

The latest data also show that after the heart symptoms have disappeared, they return to sports and strenuous physical activity is safe, but more experienced adolescents may consider additional screening. Have sex ..

The new statement also calls for more research, including studies investigating the long-term cardiovascular effects of COVID-19. And young adults. Extensive research on the latest data by a volunteer writing group (Heart disease or defects present at birth) have a low infection rate and are complications of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19 disease. The scientific statement from the American Heart Association is an analysis by current research experts and may serve as a guide for the future.

“Two years after the pandemic, a huge amount of research was done on children with COVID-19, and this statement tells us what we know so far in relation to children’s COVID-19. “I’m summarizing,” said the statement-writing group Pei-Ni Jone, MD chairman. , FAHA, Director of Quality 3D Echocardiography, Kawasaki Disease Clinic and Echocardiography, Colorado Children’s Hospital, Aurora, Colorado. “We focused on the latest data on the effects of this virus on people with congenital or other heart disease and its potential association with the COVID-19 vaccine. With children and young adults. As we all know, this public health emergency requires ongoing research to understand its short-term and long-term consequences for children. “

According to the analysis of the latest research, children generally show mild symptoms due to SARS-CoV-2 infection. In the United States, as of February 24, 2022, children accounted for 17.6% of all COVID-19 cases and about 0.1% of viral deaths. In addition, young adults between the ages of 18 and 29 account for 21.3% of cases and 0.8% of deaths from COVID-19. Studies show that there are several factors that may help explain why children are less susceptible to severe COVID-19 infections. 1) The cells in the child’s body have few receptors that attach to the SARS-CoV-2 virus, and 2) the child may have low immunity. Responses with different cytokine responses compared to adults, and trained immunity from other vaccines and viral infections.

Congenital children Infection and mortality from SARS-CoV-2 infections with underlying genetic syndromes such as trisomy 21 (also known as Down’s syndrome) are low and appear to be associated with an increased risk of severe COVID-19. ..

The statement does not have a specific COVID-19 antiviral therapy, but outlines the treatments available for children with COVID-19. These include remdesivir and dexamethasone for children of a particular age group. Remdesivir is the only antiviral drug currently approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of people over the age of 12 who are hospitalized with COVID-19. Due to severe illness and the need for oxygen supplementation, and it is most effective when given as soon as possible after the onset of symptoms. Dexamethasone, which has been shown to reduce the risk of death in adults with COVID-19, is recommended for children with more serious illnesses who require respiratory support.

Heart-related complications in children with COVID-19 are rare. The case reports of cardiac complications are as follows.

  • Cardiogenic shock. A suddenly weakened heart cannot pump enough blood to meet the needs of the body.
  • Myocarditis (inflammation of the muscles of the heart); pericarditis (inflammation of the pericardium, a thin sac-like structure surrounding the heart);
  • Arrhythmia (arrhythmia and rhythm).

Children with severe COVID-19 who affected the heart experienced sudden cardiac death and death after intensive medical and life-sustaining treatment.

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, new multisystem inflammatory syndromes (MIS-C) have been identified worldwide, with half of the cases associated with inflammation of the heart muscle and arteries of the heart. During the first year of the pandemic, one in 3,164 children with SARS-CoV-2 infection developed MIS-C.

Children with MIS-C are given intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) alone or as double therapy with infliximab or other immunomodulators. The hearts of most children recovered well within 1 to 4 weeks of MIS-C diagnosis. The risk of long-term complications and death from MIS-C is estimated to be 1.4-1.9%.

The majority of cases of MIS-C were among children identified as black or Hispanic in medical records. Additional research on MIS-C is needed to learn why people of diverse races or ethnic groups are affected by disproportionateness and to understand the risk factors for this condition.

For children and young adults infected with COVID-19, return to sports and intense physical activity are areas of targeted research and research. The latest data suggest that people with mild COVID-19 or asymptomatic infections can safely return to sports after recovering from all symptoms. For young people with more serious SARS-CoV-2 infections, or those with MIS-C, choices such as echocardiography, cardiac enzyme level blood tests, and other cardiac function screenings before returning to sports It is reasonable to consider a cardiovascular screening that has been done.

The COVID-19 vaccine can prevent patients from becoming infected with COVID-19 and reduce the risk of MIS-C in children aged 12-18 years by 91%. Some have expressed concern about the risk of heart inflammation after vaccination with mRNACOVID-19. The data show that the benefits of getting a vaccine outweigh the risk of developing vaccine-related myocarditis. For example, for every 1 million doses of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine in men aged 12-29 years (the group with the highest risk of vaccine-related myocarditis), 11,000 COVID-19 cases, 560 hospitalizations, 6 patients. Death is estimated. Although prevented, 39-47 cases of myocarditis are expected. The FDA grants an emergency use authorization for the mRNA vaccine manufactured by Pfizer BioNTech for children ages 5 and up, giving full approval to all individuals ages 16 and over.

Viral infections are the most common cause of myocarditis in children. According to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one to two in 100,000 people in the United States are diagnosed with myocarditis prior to the COVID-19 pandemic each year. Also, children are more likely to develop myocarditis than adults as a result of viral infections such as COVID-19. The CDC continues to closely track possible associations between myocarditis in children and young adults, especially the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine.

SARS-CoV-2 infection, vaccine-related myocarditis, long-term outcomes of both COVID-19 and MIS-C, and various of these conditions With children ..In addition, the development of new antiviral therapies should be tested at Focused on children.

“Much has been learned about how the virus affects the minds of children and young adults, but the best treatment is A better understanding of long-term cardiovascular effects requires prevention of serious illness and ongoing clinical research trials, “Joan said. We must strive to ensure that all children receive equal vaccination and quality care. “

This scientific statement was produced by a group of volunteer authors on behalf of the American Heart Association’s Council on Lifetime Congenital Heart Diseases and Young Hearts. Hypertension Council; Peripheral Vascular Disease Council. The American Heart Association’s scientific statement helps raise awareness of cardiovascular disease and stroke issues and facilitates informed medical decisions. The scientific statement outlines what is currently known about the topic and areas that require additional research. Scientific statements inform the development of guidelines, but do not recommend treatment. The American Heart Association guidelines provide the association’s official clinical practice recommendations.

Experts emphasize the importance of vaccination of school-aged children for COVID-19

For more information:
Circulation (2022).… CIR.0000000000001064

Quote: Heart problems after COVID-19 are rare in children and young adults and need further investigation (April 11, 2022). children.html

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