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Bird Influenza Confirmed in McPherson County Commercial Group | Livestock

Bird Influenza Confirmed in McPherson County Commercial Group | Livestock
Bird Influenza Confirmed in McPherson County Commercial Group | Livestock


The Kansas Department of Agriculture, in collaboration with the US Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (USDA–APHIS), has identified highly pathogenic avian influenza in a herd of commercial turkeys in McPherson County. This is the first case of HPAI in a commercial group in Kansas. So far, there have been four backyard herds in Kansas that have identified cases of HPAI.

KDA is working closely with USDA-APHIS on joint incident response at McPherson County affected facilities. According to KDA’s animal health authorities, turkey farms strengthened biosecurity and flock surveillance in early March. When they noticed the clinical signs of bird flu HPAI, they immediately contacted KDA. Affected facilities will be placed under quarantine and birds will be humanely depopulated and disposed of in approved ways to prevent the spread of the disease.

In addition, KDA has set up a 20 km surveillance zone around the infected site, and other farms or poultry facilities within that zone may move birds and poultry products in and out of the facility without KDA permission. Is not allowed. The Animal Health team has identified all poultry owners in the area to ensure that they are aware of the symptoms of HPAI and are taking important steps to protect the birds. KDA (833-765-2006) or [email protected] If you own poultry and live in the southern half of McPherson County, the northeastern corner of Reno County, or the northwestern corner of Harvey County, including the McPherson, Moundridge, Buehler, Inman, and Conway communities.

Highly pathogenic avian influenza is a contagious viral disease that can infect chickens, turkeys, and other birds, and can cause serious illness and sudden death in infected birds. Poultry owners should carefully monitor birds for symptoms of HPAI, including coughing, sneezing, runny nose, and other signs of dyspnea. Lack of energy and appetite; reduced water consumption; reduced egg production and / or soft, malformed eggs. Adjustment; and diarrhea. Bird flu can cause sudden death of a bird, even if the bird does not show any other symptoms.

If you have any of these symptoms in your bird, contact your veterinarian immediately. If you do not have an authorized veterinarian, please contact the KDA’s Animal Health Department for free at 833-765-2006.

Anyone involved in poultry production, from small backyard chicken owners to large commercial producers, needs to review biosecurity activities to ensure bird health. Find biosecurity guidance on the Animal Health KDA department web page.

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, recent detections of HPAI show no immediate public health concerns. Human cases of these avian influenza viruses have not been detected in the United States. Birds and eggs from infected herds do not enter the food system. To be on the safe side, as a general food safety measure, we recommend that all poultry and eggs be properly handled and cooked up to an internal temperature of 165 ° F.

For more information on HPAI, including details on the current status of cases identified in other states and herd biosecurity, visit the KDA bird flu web page. Alternatively, call KDA at 833-765-2006.




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