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Women experience twice as many headaches as men.This is the reason

Women experience twice as many headaches as men.This is the reason


Headaches are real pain — and headache The obstacles are surprisingly widespread.In fact, the new study announced today Headache and Pain Journal It suggests that headaches are a common condition that affects people around the world.

Looking at data from 357 previous studies that measured the prevalence of headache disorders, researchers found that more than half (52%) of the world’s population had one of these conditions, including migraine and tension-type headache. I found that I have. In addition, researchers estimate that nearly 16% of people in the world have headaches on certain days.

“In my opinion, headaches are an underground epidemic,” said Dr. Gayatri Devi, a professor of neurology at Hofstra Northwell School of Medicine.

And it’s a fad that affects women disproportionately. In particular, a new study found that about twice as many women as men experience migraine and frequent headaches (more than 15 days a month). However, it can be as frustrating and debilitating as a headache disorder, so there are ways to manage the symptoms.

What is a common headache disorder?

Headaches are certainly painful and can interfere with your life. But with headache disorders, the pain is still in its infancy.

“Headache disorders cause changes in your function due to recurrent persistent headaches,” Devi said. And different conditions can be accompanied by a unique set of symptoms.

“Migraine is your typical one-sided throbbing, throbbing and intolerable,” said Dr. Lauren Natbonnie, director of integrated headache medicine in New York today. The pain usually worsens when you try to move, and may have other symptoms such as nausea and vomiting, temporary changes in vision, and difficulty speaking. Mayo Clinic says.. These symptoms can last for hours or days and have a significant impact on the patient’s life.

Tension-type headaches, which most of us mention when we say we have a headache, are not as serious as a migraine attack, Natbonnie explained. “You feel this band of tension squeezing around your head,” she said. “Mild or moderate, it does not actually interfere with function. It may be somewhat sensitive to light and sound, but there should be no nausea or vomiting.”

Why do so many women have headache disorders?

According to Devi, there are several reasons why headache disorders are more common in women than in men. beginning, Hormonal changes play a big role With a bout of headache or migraine.Some people regularly experience migraines Around their time..

“Prepubertal boys have a higher incidence of migraine headaches than girls,” explained Natbonnie. However, after puberty, the incidence of migraine in girls increases. “After menopause, lower estrogen levels give us stable hormones and actually lower our prevalence,” she said.

Second, women may have various postural problems that contribute to neck and shoulder tension, Devi said. “Your hip bones are connected to your knee bones (and) your ankle bones, so basically everything is transferred to your head,” she explained. “It causes pain in your neck, it causes tension-type headaches, and it can also cause migraine headaches.”

Sleep deprivation and stress can contribute to more frequent headaches, Devi said. Women are more likely to suffer from either than men.

How to deal with headache disorders

If your headache is affecting your work and ability to live a fulfilling life, there are treatment options available.And if you feel like your doctor I don’t take your symptoms seriouslyDon’t be afraid to get a second opinion or consult an expert.

  • Track headaches and identify potential triggers. Triggers include sleep problems, hormonal changes, weather Also Change in atmospheric pressureDehydration, skipping meals, neck and shoulder tension, caffeineAlcohol or stress.
  • Do your best to stay comfortable while dealing with headaches. For example, it often helps to minimize loud noises and bright lights while dealing with migraines.
  • Talk to your doctor about medicines that may help — ideally Before Things will get tougher, Natbonnie advised.Some treatments like Botox injection Or wearable devices can help prevent migraines. Alternatively, your doctor may recommend taking an abortion drug that can be used as the first sign of a migraine. Stop it on that track..
  • Certain lifestyle changes, such as participation Regular physical activity And incorporate More plant-based foods Your diet may help reduce migraine attacks.

In the case of sudden “Thunderclap” headacheSeek medical attention immediately.These headaches are very severe and often immediate and can signal Stroke or other emergency medical careSaid Devi.




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