What you need to know about seasonal allergies, pollen counts in Louisville, Kentucky
April showers bring allergies.
Louisville is notorious for people with allergies, and this year is no exception.And with this week’s heavy rain, the pollen level on the weekend is Expected to be high. Predict the highest allergy levels on Fridays and Saturdays, and predict mid-high levels on Sundays.
According to, Louisville has consistently had high levels of allergies over the last 30 days, Early April.
This city is Worst place for people with allergies In the past, mainly thanks to the orientation of the valley. Pollen is recycled in the lowlands, unlike coastal areas where it can be washed away.
Dr. Mark CorbettBoard-certified allergist Family allergies & asthma Also in 2022, the president of the US Department of Allergic Asthma Immunology said that rain causes more aggressive flowering and stirs pollen.
“And sometimes, if it’s cold, it’s a little late, and when it comes out, it comes out at full power,” Corbett said. “I think March was a little colder than usual.”
At the moment, the main cause is pollen from trees such as birch and juniper.
“As you can see, all the trees have bloomed in the last few weeks,” said Corbett. “Usually this is a hot time for pollen in our area.”
Louisville pollen level:Why Louisville is one of the worst places to live with allergies
Tree pollination continues from May to early June, after which pollen takes over, according to Corbett. Regarding patients who have had family allergies and asthma so far, he added, this season was fairly average compared to the previous year.
How do I know if I’m allergic or COVID-19?
According to Corbett, there are some overlaps with the symptoms of COVID-19 and allergies.
Common symptoms of COVID-19 include fever, malaise, runny nose, and headache. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
What’s the difference:COVID-19 Delta Variant Symptoms and Colds or Allergies
According to Corbett, common allergic symptoms include runny nose, stuffy nose, headaches, sinus compressions, itchy eyes and watery eyes.
“Usually, COVID doesn’t often sneeze or itch,” he said.
Those who are worried should take regular COVID-19 precautions and be tested for the virus.
Does all this exposure to allergens help immunize me?
very sorry.
Allergies are hereditary and hereditary, “I was just out of luck,” Corbett said.
“If you have one parent with allergies, you have a 40% to 60% chance. If you have two parents with allergies, you have a 60% to 80% chance of being allergic,” Corbett said. I am. “Living in another area does not necessarily mean that you are insensitive to pollen from that perspective.”
He explained that allergies are the result of the human body’s immune system being essentially bored and fighting something that shouldn’t be done because it has nothing else to do.
Should I see an allergist?
There are over-the-counter antihistamines that people with allergies can look for, such as cetirizine, fexofenadine, and nasal drops, Corbett said.
“If you don’t respond well to it, or the symptoms just last long … it’s probably time to do so. See Board Certified Allergists“Corbett said.
Treatments such as immunotherapy and allergy shots may be available.
Seasonal allergies:10 things to help you survive seasonal allergies
Tips for avoiding nasty allergies
Those who like to open windows on a nice spring day will not like this, but Corbett said that keeping the windows closed can keep pollen away. Instead, closing the windows and running the air conditioner can be very helpful.
“I don’t want to open the window,” he said. “You don’t want to go out in a convertible or something like that.”
The flu last season was easy.Louisville health leaders say they don’t expect it this year
Other tips are:
- The amount of pollen is higher in the morning, so if you are exercising outdoors, go in the afternoon.
- If you keep a lot of dogs and pets outdoors, clean them later. They may be tracking the pollen inside.
- If you are outdoors during the day, take a shower and wash your hair before going to bed. Otherwise, pollen on your hair will stick to your pillow and you may breathe all night.
- Masking can reduce the amount of pollen inhaled.
Contact health reporter Sarah Rudd ([email protected]). Follow her on her Twitter at her @ladd_sarah.
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