The future of cancer treatment
Cancer is a global health problem, accounting for one-sixth of the world’s annual deaths. It is a difficult-to-understand illness with potentially fatal consequences.
Tumor treatment is constantly evolving, challenging the concept of one size fits all and generalization. Advances in cancer treatment have brought hope to cancer patients over the last two decades. This is due to the ability of scientists and oncology scientists to better understand cancer biology and devise treatment plans based on that knowledge. Each one is unique and their cancer is also unique.
At a basic level, cancer is a disease caused by uncontrolled cell proliferation caused by abnormalities in the composition and mechanism of the genome. Cancer occurs as a result of mutations, deletions, gene amplifications or rearrangements, the body’s immune system, or congenital genomic abnormalities such as tobacco, alcohol, chemicals, infections, and external attacks such as radiation. There is a possibility. Precision medicine is a concept that involves designing a personalized cancer treatment strategy based on a complete understanding of the mechanisms that cause a particular disease. New therapeutic approaches are being sought to improve survival and minimize the side effects associated with treatment in order to maintain quality of life.
Standard treatment guidelines are specific to the type of cancer and may include different modalities for cancer treatment such as surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, and immunotherapy, but the unique biology of each tumor is worldwide. It has become indispensable for the treatment of cancer.
Comprehensive care plans by experts discussing the nuances of each case are very realistic and no longer futuristic. This usually happens in parallel with the identification of the diagnostic route. The diagnostic route unravels the mystery inherent in the patient’s cancer. Beyond the mandatory typical histopathological studies, this is to study DNA, RNA, proteins, metabolic function in cancer cells and the tumor microenvironment by performing comprehensive genomic analysis. Achieved by performing multi-analytical test.
Understanding the biology of cancer and developing treatment options based on that knowledge has brought about a paradigm shift in cancer management and disease outcomes.
The discovery of biomarkers and the design of treatment strategies based on them are concepts that apply primarily to late-stage cancer. However, this area is advancing, and along with this, the application of precision medicine is moving to the prevention of cancer and to the early stages with the goal of preventing the recurrence of the disease.
Targeted and immunotherapy are two examples of new therapeutic applications that are being used to increase outcomes, improve survival, and reduce the pathological condition of cancer treatment. Such drugs are currently used to improve the outcome of advanced cancer as well as prevent the cancer from recurring.
Most of these medicines are currently available in India at a reasonable cost, but immunotherapy remains exorbitantly expensive and limits their use. Bringing clinical trials with these new drugs into the country is one way to facilitate access.
The field of immunotherapy, including cancer vaccines, adaptive T cell therapies, and CAR-T cell therapies, is another important advance in the customization of tumor therapies. These techniques are primarily used in hematological malignancies, but these strategies are also emerging in solid tumors.
Genome analysis and biomarker identification are essential for cancer treatment and are therefore an integral part of diagnostic investigations and essential for proper therapeutic application. The purpose and effort is to reduce the cost of such tests and make them routine. As a result, informed decision making is a rule, not an exception.
The above views are the author’s own.
End of article
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