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Outbreak of bird flu confirmed in North Okanagan, investigation continued

Outbreak of bird flu confirmed in North Okanagan, investigation continued
Outbreak of bird flu confirmed in North Okanagan, investigation continued


The confirmed outbreak of bird flu in North Okanagan is a “very low risk” to public health, but new health measures are in place, BC’s Minister of Agriculture and Food said Thursday.

Lana Pofam, Canadian Food Inspection Agency announces the presence of bird flu North Okanagan It is a farm and leads investigations and responses with state support for testing, mapping, monitoring and disposal.

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Concerns about bird flu in Manitoba

Concerns about bird flu in Manitoba – April 1, 2022

“The ministry will also activate the Emergency Operations Center and work with CFIA, producers, industry and other stakeholders to effectively respond to this outbreak and any other outbreaks that may occur in BC.

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Highly pathogenic avian influenza found in Alberta poultry, a new case in Ontario, according to CFIA

“All poultry producers, including backyard poultry owners, are advised to strengthen their biosecurity practices and to be alert and monitor for signs of bird flu in their herds,” Pofam said in a statement. Said.

“To further protect farmers and prevent the spread of bird flu in British Columbia, the Deputy Chief Veterinarian has stated that all commercial poultry in the state will raise more than 100 birds until the end of spring migration in May. I have issued an order requesting that the swarm of flu be moved indoors. “

If bird flu is suspected, poultry producers should immediately seek advice and information from their local veterinarian or state animal health center.

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Outbreak of Bird Flu — Can Humans Be Infected with the Virus?Expert weighted

“Public health risks are very low and there is no risk to food safety.

“I know this is a very stressful time for our poultry and egg producers. They have been very tolerant for the past two years. They are really resilient. We are here to help, and we work together to overcome this. “

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Zoo closes aviary after bird flu is detected in southern Ontario

Zoo closes aviary after bird flu is detected in southern Ontario – March 29, 2022

According to the Agriculture and Agri-Fan, the food industry is making adjustments to maintain poultry and egg supplies in the event of an outbreak of bird flu in Canada and around the world.

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Highly pathogenic avian influenza found in Alberta poultry, a new case in Ontario, according to CFIA

According to the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, this year was an unprecedented year in the world, also known as bird flu, or bird flu.

Outbreaks of the highly pathogenic strain H5N1 have been detected not only in BC, but also in Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Ontario and Alberta since late 2021.

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Bird flu detected in geese in Nova Scotia

Bird flu detected in Nova Scotia geese – February 1, 2022

As of April 11, approximately 260,000 birds have been euthanized or killed by the virus in Canada. About 166,000 of them were in Alberta and 84,000 were in Ontario.

Although most forms of bird flu are mild, H5N1 can cause serious illness and death in birds.

To contact the BC Animal Health Center, please call 1 800 661-9903 or send an email to [email protected].

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— Use files from The Canadian Press

© 2022 Global News, a division of Corus Entertainment Inc.




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