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COVID-19 vaccine reduces hospitalization and mortality, contrary to social media claims

COVID-19 vaccine reduces hospitalization and mortality, contrary to social media claims


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People who are not vaccinated with COVID-19 are more susceptible to serious illness and have a higher mortality rate than those who are vaccinated. However, partisan social media accounts, including posts by former President Donald Trump’s campaign legal team members, continue to mislead and discourage the use of vaccines.

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New Jersey Democrat Frank Pallone announces twitter On April 8th, he tested positive for COVID-19.

Ball- 70 years oldHe is in an age group at high risk of serious consequences — “Thankfully, I have been vaccinated and have double boost immunization, so my symptoms are mild.”

Shortly thereafter Jenna EllisA lawyer who served on the legal team of former President Donald Trump, Tweet “Why are these idiots still grateful for the vaccine? Many unvaccinated people also experienced zero or mild symptoms. Stop pushing Vax.” She also , Posted a screenshot of the tweet Facebook When Instagram..

This exchange captures the politicization of public health advice, which has overshadowed the response to pandemics from the beginning.

We written Before about Differences in COVID-19 results between vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals. In general, vaccinated people work better.

As the Mayo Clinic has explanation“People who are fully vaccinated with breakthrough infections are less likely to get a serious illness with COVID-19 than those who are not vaccinated. Vaccinated people will have symptoms. Even if they do occur, they tend to be less severe than those experienced by unvaccinated people. “

Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show significantly higher Hospitalization rate For unvaccinated COVID-19 patients compared to fully vaccinated patients.

Pallone’s age group, specifically — Adults over 65 — Percentage of unvaccinated patients per 100,000 There were 79 hospitalized, but 15 were vaccinated. The week ending February 26, the latest week for the CDC to publish data. When the Omicron variants of the virus that causes COVID-19 peaked in January, these rates dropped from highs of 481 and 55, respectively.

Overall, the CDC states two vaccines available in the United States that use mRNA technology (Pfizer / BioNTech and Moderna). Reduce risk 94% of hospitalizations over 65 years.

In addition, studies have shown that vaccines are effective in preventing serious illnesses caused by COVID-19.UK study In September, in the case of a breakthrough infection Probability of no symptoms After the second inoculation of COVID-19 vaccine, it increased by 94%.

“”Almost all symptoms are reported less frequently in infected and vaccinated individuals than in infected and unvaccinated individuals, and vaccinated participants are complete, especially if they are over 60 years of age. Was likely to be asymptomatic. ” Lancet infection The journal was found.

another study Conducted in the United States and announced in July, it was found that the risk of fever and the duration of illness were lower in vaccinated COVID-19 patients compared to unvaccinated patients. .. “”The approved mRNA vaccine is very effective among production-age adults in the prevention of SARS-CoV-2 infection when administered under real-world conditions, and the vaccine is viral RNA loading, febrile symptoms. And reduced the duration of illness in people with breakthrough infections, despite vaccination, the study was published. New England Journal of Medicine, Said.

However, both of these studies preceded the recent surge in Omicron, and neither primary vaccination nor innate immunity was very effective in stopping infection against the Omicron mutant. However, the booster immunity of the vaccine strengthened the defense, According to a preliminary survey..

Therefore, Ellis’s suggestion that there is little difference in COVID-19 results between vaccinated and non-vaccinated is incorrect.

But to go further with that claim Meme It circulates conservatively social media “Non-vaccinated people are not dead,” he said. That is clearly wrong.

Similar to the hospitalization rate of unvaccinated people compared to those who have been vaccinated. Data from CDC It shows that not only are unvaccinated people dying, but they are dying at a much higher rate than those who are vaccinated.

For example, when Omicron peaked in January, unvaccinated people over the age of 5 had a 9-fold higher risk of death than those vaccinated at least in the primary series of doses. According to the CDC.. The risk of death from COVID-19 was 21-fold higher in unvaccinated people aged 12 years and older compared to those who received the primary series and booster immunization.

Editor’s Note: SciCheck’s COVID-19 / Vaccination Project Made possible by a grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.Foundation has No control The editorial decisions of and the views expressed in our article do not necessarily reflect the views of the Foundation. The goal of this project is to increase exposure to accurate information about COVID-19 and vaccines while reducing the impact of false information.


Ball, Frank (@FrankPallone). “”Today, the COVID-19 test was positive. Thankfully, I have been vaccinated and double boosted, so my symptoms are mild.Get vaccinated and boosted if you have not yet protected yourself and your family.. ” twitter. April 8, 2022.

Ellis, Jenna (@JennaEllisEsq). “”Why are these idiots still grateful for the vaccine? Many unvaccinated people also experienced zero or mild symptoms.Stop pushing Vax.. ” twitter. April 8, 2022.

Gore, D’Angelo. “”Latest CDC data: Unvaccinated adults are 97 times more likely to die of COVID-19 than boosted adults.. February 9, 2022.

Jaramiro, Catherine. “”Unlike virus postings, COVID-19 data comparing vaccinated and non-vaccinated are still available... April 1, 2022.

Hale Spencer, Saranak. “”The COVID-19 vaccine prevented death, as opposed to misleading graphics on social media.. March 2, 2022.

Mayo Clinic. “”Are you completely vaccinated?Know the facts.. March 4, 2022.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Hospitalization rate by vaccination status of COVID-19 confirmed in the laboratory.. Accessed on April 12, 2022.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. COVID-19-related hospitalization rates by vaccination status in adults aged 65 and over from January 2021 to February 2022.. Accessed on April 13, 2022.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “”COVID-19 Risk and Vaccine Information for the Elderly.. Accessed on April 13, 2022.

Antonelli, Michela and others “”Risk Factors and Disease Profiles for Post-vaccination SARS-CoV-2 Infection in UK Users of the COVID Symptoms Study App: Prospective, Community-Based, Nested, Case-Control Study.. Lancet. September 1, 2021.

Thompson, Mark G., etc. “”Prevention and attenuation of Covid-19 with BNT162b2 and mRNA-1273 vaccines.. The New England Journal of Medicine. July 22, 2021.

Robertson, Lori. “”Studies show boosted immunity against Omicron at booster doses.. January 28, 2022.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. COVID-19 cases and mortality by vaccination status.. Accessed on April 14, 2022.




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