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What is the new Omicron XE variant?

What is the new Omicron XE variant?



Associate Professor Paul Griffin, an infectious disease doctor and microbiologist, investigates whether the latest COVID mutants are the cause of concern.

XE positive blood test tube.

According to recent UK data, XE growth is about 10-20% higher than BA.2.

It seems like we hear about new variants of COVID every few weeks and it’s hard to know how worried we are.

A “recombinant” mutant has emerged and is called “Omicron XE”. This is the result of two Omicron strains fusing into one host and infecting the other host.

So what do we know about this new hybrid, and do we need to worry?

A little about Omicron and its variants
Omicron is a variant of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. First discovered In Botswana on November 11, 2021 Specify a variant of concern By the World Health Organization (WHO) on November 26th. Since this time, it has been transmitted worldwide, replacing Delta and becoming a major variant.

Since then, Omicron has continued to evolve and has multiple different strains or genetically related subvariants. This includes the original Omicron BA.1 (B.1.1.529) and BA.2 and BA.3.

BA.2 is More infectious It is superior to BA.1 and has taken over and defeated BA.1 to become the new predominant form of SARS-CoV-2 virus worldwide with WHO. Official announcement This is the case on March 22, 2022.

The differences seen in Omicron compared to previous variants were explained by the relatively large number of mutations it acquired, with no 60 mutations found in the original virus originating from Wuhan, China. ..

Among these mutations are 32 genetic changes in peplomer. Peplomers are part of the virus used to attach to human cells and are also the target of an immune response against the virus from both vaccines and previous infections.

BA.2 shares many of the same mutations as the original Omicron variant, but also has its own 28 unique genetic changes.

Four of these genetic changes are in pesplomers. This explains why some of its properties differ from the original Omicron variant (BA.1). This also includes the fact that it looks like about 30-50%. More infectious From BA.1.

What is “recombination”?
The SARS-CoV-2 virus continues to change in other ways, as we have seen new mutants emerge and subsequently evolve submutants or different strains. Recently, not only the spontaneous changes in the genetic code that caused the above changes, but also so-called recombinants have been seen.

Recombinants are places where related viruses exchange genetic material to produce genetic material and offspring of both parent viruses. This can occur if two different strains (or variants or subvariants) of virus co-infect the same cell.

By mixing and packaging the genetic material of the virus, you can create a new recombinant virus with the characteristics of either or both of the parent virus. Therefore, the properties of the recombinant virus depend on which part of the genetic material of the parent virus is the new version. This is the same as having a mother’s nose and a father’s knees.

When Delta and Omicron recombine, the resulting progeny are called “deltacrons” (although they are more formally called XD and XF).

This type of recombinant was first identified in France in mid-February. Seems to have The gene sequence is almost the same as that of Delta, but it has the aspect of the spike protein of Omicron BA.1.

So what is XE and where does it spread?
XE is a recombination of BA.1 and BA.2. There are many other BA.1 and BA.2 recombinants such as XQ in the UK, XG in Denmark, XJ in Finland, and XK in Belgium.

XE accounts for a small proportion of all sequenced cases, but shows evidence of community infection in the UK, first detected at least in mid-January.Just finished 1100 cases It was recorded.

It has also been confirmed in India, China and Thailand.Initially, the growth rate of XE did not appear to be significantly different from BA.2But more recent data from the UK suggests it has Growth rate It is about 10 to 20% higher than BA.2.

This data is tentative and is based on a small number and is subject to change as more information becomes available. If that is true, this means that XE is more likely to be slightly more contagious than BA.2. BA.2 was slightly more contagious than BA.1, which was more contagious than Delta.

Do you need to worry?
Immune responses that help protect against COVID-19 are generated from vaccination or previous infections and primarily target peplomer. Since XE basically has the same peplomer as BA.2, it does not seem to significantly reduce its protection against XE.

This is certainly something that public health agencies and groups of professionals should monitor, and in fact it is, but it’s not really unexpected given the number of cases found around the world. Therefore, it should not be a source of special concern for the general public.

The best way to delay the emergence of new mutants, not just recombinants, remains Many people around the world are protected by vaccination To reduce the pool of vulnerable hosts where these events can occur.

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