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People who have been infected with Covid are more likely to develop diabetes.

People who have been infected with Covid are more likely to develop diabetes.
People who have been infected with Covid are more likely to develop diabetes.


Many people who had COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) I continue to develop diabetes. However, it is relatively common, and so is COVID, so it does not necessarily mean that one leads to the other.

The problem is that the person who had it COVID It is more likely to develop than people who do not have diabetes. If so, is it causing COVID? Diabetes mellitusOr is there anything else that links the two?

Recent studies suggest a link between having COVID and being diagnosed with diabetes.Data in the United States are based on records of more than 500,000 people under the age of 18 who had COVID, and these young people are newer after infection compared to those who did not have or had COVID. Other respiratory infections before discovering that you are more likely to be diagnosed with diabetes Pandemic.. This study does not identify which type of diabetics developed.

Another US study of the elderly found the same pattern in an analysis of more than 4 million patients. In this case, most cases of diabetes were type 2.
A German study based on medical records of more than 8 million patients again found that people infected with COVID were more likely to be subsequently diagnosed. Type 2 diabetes..

Remind me, what is diabetes?

There are various Different types of diabetes.. What they all have in common is that they affect the body’s ability to produce or react to the hormone insulin. Insulin controls the amount of sugar in our blood, so if we don’t produce it enough, or if it’s not functioning properly, our blood sugar levels will rise.

The most common type of diabetes to date is type 2 diabetes. It often occurs in adulthood and is characterized by insulin resistance. In other words, people with type 2 diabetes are still producing insulin, but insulin is not functioning properly. Treatments vary, including medications, diet changes, and increased physical activity.

Diabetes mellitus There are different types of diabetes (Source: Getty Images / Sinkstock)

The next most common is type 1 diabetes. Type 1 diabetes often, but not always, develops in childhood or adolescence. I was diagnosed at the age of 10. In type 1 diabetes, the body stops producing Insulin completely. People with type 1 diabetes need to inject or inject insulin for the rest of their lives.

So how does COVID cause diabetes?

There are many plausible theories about the potential of COVID to cause diabetes, but none have been proven. One possibility is that inflammation Insulin resistance caused by the virus is characteristic of type 2 diabetes.

Another possibility is related to ACE2, a protein found on the surface of cells, SARS-CoV-2 (causing virus). COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection)). Some studies have coronavirus It can invade and infect insulin-producing cells via ACE2. This can lead to cell death or altered function. This means that people can’t produce enough insulin, which can lead to diabetes.

In type 1 diabetes, the immune system attacks insulin-producing cells for unknown reasons. One theory is that the immune system is caused by something else, such as a virus, and accidentally attacks insulin-producing cells. It is possible that COVID is doing exactly this for some people’s immune system.

Not so fast

People infected with COVID appear to be more likely to develop diabetes, and just because there is a plausible theory to explain this does not mean that COVID causes diabetes.

COVID may be causing a temporary rise Blood sugar, Then resolve over time. A US study of 594 newly diagnosed diabetes during hospitalization with COVID found that blood glucose levels often returned to normal after discharge without treatment.

If you or your family think you may have diabetes, don’t delay your doctor’s consultation (Source: Getty Images / Sinkstock)

We also know it Dexamethasone – Steroids used to treat people with severe COVID – Causes a temporary rise in blood sugar levels.

Some scientists COVID Whether you are causing a whole new type of diabetes, or are people misclassified as having diabetes after COVID.

In addition, many diabetics, especially type 2 diabetes, tend to be undetectable. People who were diagnosed with diabetes after being infected with COVID may have had diabetes before they were actually infected with COVID, but the diabetes did not recover until they were treated. COVID.

Elevated levels of diabetes can be affected by pandemic restrictions, or behavioral changes as a result of infection, or medical delays or Diet and physical activity level.

4 T

Type 2 diabetes tends to develop slowly over time, and even type 1 diabetes can take months or years to appear. Therefore, it may take some time before anyone can clearly say whether COVID has led to an increase in diabetes.

Anyway, it is really important for people to recognize the signs and symptoms of this condition. The British Diabetes Foundation says to note the four T’s: the toilet (going to the bathroom often or getting the bed wet), thirsty, tired, and thin. These are typical symptoms of type 1 diabetes. For type 2, many people show no symptoms or are unaware. However, the four Ts still apply, and blurred vision and common itching or candidiasis are also listed as symptoms.

If you or your family appear to have diabetes, do not delay your doctor’s consultation. A simple finger stick test by your healthcare provider can quickly determine if your blood sugar is high and if further investigation is needed.

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