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LA County reports another 56 deaths from coronavirus, totaling 2,707


More than 50 new deaths from coronaviruses were reported in Los Angeles County on Tuesday, with an additional 1,225 virus outbreaks. Health officials once again urged people to monitor an expanded list of illness symptoms.

The county public health department announced 56 new deaths from the virus, one of which was actually reported by Long Beach health officials on Monday afternoon.

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The new death toll has resulted in 2,707 deaths across the county.

Meanwhile, the county identified 1,225 new cases of COVID-19 and increased the total to 65,822.

Of the 2,512 people who died of illnesses for which ethnic data were available, 41% were Latino, 28% white, 18% Asian, 12% black, and 1% Hawaiian/Pacific.

Relation: Keep all coronavirus related information up to date

County health officials said the 47 previously reported cases and four deaths were found to have occurred outside the county, and those cases were removed from the local total.

A total of 93% of people killed by the virus in the county were in underlying health-a percentage that remained largely unchanged throughout the pandemic.

According to county health officials, 11% of those who test positive will need hospitalization someday. As of Tuesday, there were 1,453 inpatients, 29% of whom were in the intensive care unit.

Public health officials pointed out that the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Controls has re-expanded the list of possible symptoms of COVID-19 infection.

The list includes: -Fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, odor or taste loss, sore throat, nasal congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting.

People experiencing a “mile-mile illness” were advised to contact their healthcare provider.

The process by which county officials reviewed the guidelines released on Monday by the state that provided protocols to reopen more sectors of the economy, including bars, day camps, schools, childcare facilities, and film/TV production companies. I said that

The State Protocol has approved reopening of such businesses this Friday, subject to approval from individual counties.

Issued late on Monday night Protocol to open a cinema on Friday as soon as possible.

“The county is actively reviewing state guidelines to determine how these organizations can take the necessary safety and precautionary measures and reopen,” county supervisor Kathryn Berger said Monday. ..

“It will be announced before Friday as to which sectors will be able to resume with the final protocol.

“This is another important milestone in the county, and we continue on the path to recovery and the transition from home security to work security and community security,” she said. Said.

With the county elected, health officials have repeatedly expressed concern that recent large-scale protests against police atrocities could lead to a surge of new infections and put more pressure on local hospitals.

Relation: CoronavirusNOW.comFOX launches a national hub of COVID-19 news and updates.

Burger said the county will continue to monitor health data and play a key role in deciding whether to approve resuming more of the economy.

“No doubt. We do this very carefully and carefully, which is why we are one step ahead of the surrounding counties. Due to the size of 10 million people, many other problems We are aware that there will be. It will be installed.”

“But if we realize that we can actually do it in a responsible and socially distant way, and know that people are demanding to wear cloth surface covers, we can Recognizes that we need to get back to work and regain our economy, and we can do both, not one or the other.”

But again, if people fail to take precautions when they go out in the open, whether it’s a protest or going to the beach, it could have future implications. I warned you.

“One of the questions asked to me (why) is: “Protesters are allowed to go out and resist public health orders, but companies can’t get the same break,” she said. Said.

“This is our new standard right now, so I hope the protesters have increased their social distance and are wearing cloth. They don’t have to restart their business in three weeks. If they don’t open, they won’t open again.”

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