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Covid-19 is Dr. Anthony Fauci’s “worst nightmare.”


“Ebola was scary, but it didn’t spread easily,” said Fouch, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. Ebola outbreaks are also always very localized.

Fauci, speaking through a video recorded at the International Conference on Biotechnology Innovation Organisation, added, “HIV is not only that, it’s also pulled out to be important and for a long time.” Many people have never been threatened by the disease, as it has always been a threat that “depends on where you are, where you are, and where you live.”

In the past, when people asked Fouches to describe their most feared potential illnesses, he often jumped them out of animals and described them as a brand new respiratory infection with a very high contagiousness. Said to explain.

He said the world has experienced an outbreak with at least some of these characteristics, but COVID-19 We have combined all these characteristics.

“Now, it can be my worst nightmare,” Forch said. “In four months, it destroyed the world.”

The pandemic killed more than 111,700 people in the United States and nearly 409,000 worldwide, According to Johns Hopkins University.. Over 7 million people are infected worldwide.
Wuhan satellite images may suggest that the coronavirus was prevalent in August.

It spread, “how quickly and unexpectedly,” he said.

“We’ve just occupied the Earth,” Fouch added.

Fauci also said that much remains to be learned about the long-term negative effects of Covid-19 infections on patients.

“What we still don’t fully understand is what happens when an infection leads to a serious illness and recovery. What are the long-term adverse effects of that infection?” Foech said. ..

Fauci explained that scientists don’t know what patients will recover after 6 months because they don’t have enough experience with the virus.

“We don’t know the extent of full or partial recovery, so there’s a lot we need to learn,” he said.

Forch also talked about fighting to prevent illness.

He said there are “multiple winners” in the Covid-19 vaccine field.

“We need vaccines around the world-billions and billions of doses,” Forti said.

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Forti praised the “unprecedented” rapid response of pharmaceutical companies to coronavirus vaccines and treatments, saying “it is better than the public health response that is usually found in opposition.”

Fauch hopes that the work being done in the fight against Covid-19 will bring “capacity and readiness that is more responsive than we are today” in the future. I said.

Doctors said they weren’t thinking of imposing price controls on vaccines before they were developed, and instead the government worked “in good faith” with drug companies to help them during public health emergencies. Called to develop a cure.

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Talking about the affordability of a vaccine, Forsi said: “I have a lot of years of experience dealing with pharmaceutical companies trying to develop interventions, and one thing that is clear is that companies that have multiple opportunities to do different things go away.”

Forsy explained that there are benefits to consider when developing a vaccine in the private sector. “Unless it’s outrageous to make something entirely out of the realm of people who really need it,” he said.

Steve Almasy of CNN contributed to this report.


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