From Washington-The flu wave of giant bird flu that has infected nearly 27 million chickens and turkeys in the United States has caused egg prices to skyrocket in recent weeks, causing many farmers to “depopulate” or destroy animals. It has been forced to prevent further spread. ..
The virus affects many species of birds, including penguins and bald eagles. However, its spread was tremendous among poultry, especially among chickens raised for eggs.
On Friday, the USDA announced yet another outbreak. This is one of two herds in Idaho, the state where the 27th virus has been found since February.
According to USDA, the price of a dozen eggs in November remained around $ 1. Currently, its price is rising at $ 2.95.
The disease affects commercial birds, enthusiast backyard chicken herds, and wild birds, spreads through secretions, leading to paralysis, swelling, and reduced spawning. There are no human cases of these avian influenza viruses detected in the United States.
So far, about 1.3% of U.S. chickens have been affected by this outbreak, and about 6% of U.S. turkey herds have been affected, said Grady Ferguson, senior research analyst at Gro Intelligence, an agricultural data platform. It states that it has received.
Ferguson tracked the last outbreak of bird flu in 2015 and said the outbreak could be more serious and disruptive to the poultry and egg market. During the previous epidemic, at this point of outbreak, 66 days after the initial detection, the percentage of total number of affected chickens was .02%, eventually rising to about 2.5% of infected chickens, 5,000. Many birds have been destroyed.
“We’re outpacing the spreads we saw in 2015,” Ferguson said. “Last time, 81% of cases occurred in the 4th and 5th months due to the explosive expansion of the situation. The price of the previous egg has affected the market for many years. It’s been two months since the outbreak and the safety protocol isn’t working. I don’t want to be a chicken little, but I think it’s worse than last time. “
In addition to the higher price of a dozen egg cartons, he said, consumers will “see higher prices for all baked goods and a wide variety of processed foods, from cupcakes to salad dressings. You’ll have a hard time justifying why you need to serve a three-egg omelet for $ 1. And in terms of chicken, things are worse than last time. “
According to Ferguson, most of the birds that had to be destroyed last time were spawning chickens and feathers (these are layered sexually immature birds) and the affected broilers (the birds eaten by consumers). Was very few. So far, in this outbreak, 9% of the affected animals are broilers, which has already increased the price of chicken, he said.
Tom Super, senior vice president of communications for the National Chicken Council, said poultry farmers have “doubled and tripled” the biosecurity of poultry farms, showers and disinfectant tire baths for workers entering and exiting the facility. He said he was adding protocols such as. Trucks to prevent infection from moving from one facility to another.
Super said bird flu would increase the cost of chicken, but that’s just one of several current price pressures. He added that the prices of corn and soybeans, which are essential for animal feed, are even higher in the Byden administration’s decision to allow high levels of ethanol for gasoline, with high animal feed costs and high fuel costs for transporting animals. It says it will push it up.
Emily Metz, chairman of the American Egg Board, said about 5% of herds of laying hens have been affected so far, but are more optimistic about the trajectory of this outbreak.
“Something like the bottom is that it started a little earlier than 2015. [with biosecurity protocols]”In 2015 we learned some difficult lessons. Our biosecurity wasn’t where we needed it. We invested in big changes. “
She described new high-tech protocols such as laser light systems to prevent migratory birds from landing on farmlands and buildings. She admits that prices are rising, but points out the cost of farmers’ input as a bigger factor than the ghost of bird flu.
“It’s alarming and I share concerns about affordability, but eggs are still one of the most affordable proteins and nothing,” she said.
Andrew Van Damme of The Washington Post contributed to this report.