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Scientists capture the “sound” of bacteria with breakthroughs in antibiotics

Scientists capture the “sound” of bacteria with breakthroughs in antibiotics


The soft drum beats of living bacteria were recorded for the first time as a breakthrough event that could help doctors know if. Antibiotics are working..

Scientists at the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands have theorized that if microscopic bacteria make a sound, it is an easy way to make sure they are alive. This is the same as listening to a pulse or heartbeat.

However, the bacteria are so small that it is not possible to record noise using traditional methods.

Instead, an expert made a small drum Made from grapheneA material composed of a single layer of carbon atoms, it is very good at conducting a small amount of sound and electricity.

When they placed E. coli on the surface of graphene and linked it to a speaker, the team was surprised to hear the gentle beating of living bacteria.

“It was impressive to hear,” said Professor Cees Dekker, a nanobiologist at Delft University of Technology.

“When a single bacterium attaches to the surface of a graphene drum, it produces a random vibration with a low amplitude of a few nanometers that can be detected. I heard the sound of one bacterium.”

A small heartbeat is the result of a biological process within the bacterium, and the movement of the tail (or flagella) also helps advance the bug.

“How cool is it?”

“The beating of these bells in graphene is at least 10 billion times smaller than the boxer’s punch when reaching the punching bag,” said researcher Dr. Farbod Alijani, who led the study.

“Still, these nanoscale beats can be converted to a soundtrack and heard-and how cool is it?”

The team hopes that studies will be used to detect whether the bacteria have developed antibiotic resistance to the drug.In the experiment, researchers have bugs Resistant to antibioticsThe vibration continued at the same level.

When the bacteria became sensitive to the drug, the vibrations decreased for 1-2 hours and then stopped completely.

Dr. Alijani said: “Ultimately, it could be used as an effective diagnostic toolkit for the rapid detection of antibiotic resistance in clinical practice.

“Graphene is a type of carbon consisting of a single layer of atoms, also known as a mysterious substance. It is extremely powerful, has excellent electrical and mechanical properties, and is extremely sensitive to external forces. is.”

Professor Peter Steeneken of the Department of Precision and Microsystem Engineering, Delft University of Technology, said:

This study was published in the journal Nature Nanotechnology.




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