A herd in the backyard of Utah County, diagnosed with bird flu.
According to the authorities, there is no immediate threat to people, but poultry owners need to be aware of bird symptoms.
Utah inspectors have discovered bird flu in a small flock of birds in the backyard of Utah County. This is the first such outbreak in Utah.
The Utah Agricultural and Food Service announced on Monday that the Utah Veterinary Diagnostic Institute has confirmed a diagnosis of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) found in a herd in the Utah backyard. The diagnosis was subsequently confirmed by the National Veterinary Research Institute of the US Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.
Federal agencies said the outbreak in Utah County infected seven birds. Utah officials said birds were slaughtered and the area was quarantined to prevent further spread of HPAI. UDAF works with USDA’s inspection services to deploy monitoring and testing in the region.
“Appropriate measures have been taken to prevent further spread of the disease,” said Dr. Dean Taylor, a state veterinarian.
State officials are urging bird owners in Utah County to visit and review the USDA website, whether it’s a large commercial poultry business or a backyard herd. Poultry biosecurity guidelinesTo ensure that their birds stay healthy.
Especially small herd breeders need to monitor birds for potential symptoms of HPAI, such as runny nose, reduced water consumption, loss of appetite, lack of coordination, and high herd mortality. A zookeeper who becomes aware of such symptoms of a bird will be asked to warn the state veterinary office. [email protected] straight away.
“We want people to be wary of their outdoor herds,” said Bailee Woostenhulme, a UDAF spokesman. “They are the most vulnerable, because they are usually [the flu is] Wild birds carry, And if they share a source of food or water, it can spread from bird to bird and become out of control. “
Bird flu most commonly infects chickens, turkeys, whales, quail, ducks, geese, and guinea fowl, and often wild ducks, geese, and guinea flies.
HPAI can disease backyard chickens, herds of commercial poultry, wild poultry, as well as Salt Lake City poultry. Tracy Evilly Be wary of bird flu From early AprilAnd this weekend, we set up a net in the open area to keep wild birds away from the enclosure. The aviary also does not open to the public some exhibits, such as wetland experience flight cages and indoor rainforest treasure exhibits.
No human case of this HPAI strain has been identified in the United States so far, and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states this. Current outbreaks do not present imminent health risks to the public..
Woolstenhulme said large uncontrolled outbreaks could affect food supply as they can ill mass commercial meat production and laying hens.As The Washington Post reported Over the weekend, bird flu struck 1.3% of all chickens nationwide and 6% of commercial turkeys. As a result, the average cost of a dozen eggs has tripled since November, from about $ 1 to $ 2.95 per dozen.
Utah is the 28th state to report an outbreak of HPAI since early February, according to USDA statistics. Three states adjacent to Utah (Colorado, Idaho, and Wyoming) have previously reported outbreaks.
According to Woolstenhulme, HPAI usually does not go through consumption. People need to be careful as a precautionary measure, especially when poultry and eggs are cooked to the recommended internal temperature of 165 degrees Fahrenheit, as bird flu infections occur during contact with sick birds. I have. Avoid flocking to the backyard and touching or touching wild birds.
For the latest information on the outbreak, USDA inspection service website..
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