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Eight children who received a liver transplant as 108 mysterious cases detected in the United Kingdom

Eight children who received a liver transplant as 108 mysterious cases detected in the United Kingdom


Eight children in the UK have had a liver transplant after being diagnosed with mysterious hepatitis, the UK Health and Safety Agency has announced.

Since January, 108 children nationwide have been Sudden onset of hepatitis – Or liver inflammation. The majority were under the age of 5, but all were under the age of 10.

Scientists are still competing to understand the exact cause of the “abnormal” rise in the incident.

Attaching a link to adenovirus

Currently, the main theory is that liver inflammation is associated with adenovirus infection. UKHSA said Thursday that 77% of the cases tested so far were adenovirus-positive.

Adenovirus is a very common viral infection among people, especially children. They usually cause common cold symptoms and sometimes pneumonia. In rare cases, immunocompromised patients can cause hepatitis.

“The information gathered through our research increasingly suggests that this is associated with adenovirus infection,” said Dr. Mirachand, director of clinical and emerging infectious diseases at UKHSA. .. “But we are thoroughly investigating other potential causes.”

“This is just a special event,” Professor Will Irving, a virology expert at the University of Nottingham, told The Telegraph. “I don’t want to bet on what the cause will be. It’s really unusual. I hope it doesn’t work like an epidemic.”

“Normal suspects” were excluded

In addition to hepatitis A, B, C, and E, Professor Irving is another “normal suspect” such as herpes labialis, the cytomegalovirus (CNV) that causes chickenpox, and the Epstein-Barr virus that causes glandular fever. Explained that has already been excluded.

Professor Irving added that the blockade may have had an impact. “The pandemic meant that these children, mostly under the age of five, were pretty badly isolated because of all the precautions we were taking,” he said. “Since mitigating these precautions in the UK, the incidence of viral infections has been much higher. These children are not exposed to the virus they would have been.”

The side effects of the coronavirus vaccine were also ruled out because none of the affected children in the UK were jabed.

Environmental factors may also be involved, according to scientists, and investigators are asking parents about issues such as their child’s diet and where to buy food.

The alarm bell rings

The alert was first issued in Glasgow in late March after five infants were hospitalized for severe hepatitis. Usually, we rarely see so many cases in a year.

These children between the ages of 3 and 5 vomited for several weeks, their skin became jaundice, and the system had “very high” levels of an enzyme called alanine aminotransferase, which was a sign of liver damage. .. According to the Eurosurveillance report..

In the latest news on Thursday, UKHSA said experts have now recorded 79 cases in England, 14 cases in Scotland and 15 cases in Wales and Northern Ireland.

Children have also been diagnosed with “hepatitis of unknown cause” Israel, Denmark, Ireland, Netherlands, Spain, USA – In Alabama, nine suspicious cases have been recorded, including two who required a liver transplant.

Dr. Chand urged parents to be aware of signs of hepatitis, including jaundice.

“Regular hygiene measures such as thorough hand washing, including supervising children, and proper thorough respiratory hygiene can help reduce the spread of many common infections, including adenovirus,” Chand said. The doctor said.

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