Health risks associated with increased drinking after a pandemic
That night’s glass (or more) of wine, which many rely on to relax at the end of the day, is undergoing new scrutiny by health professionals, especially if you’re a woman.
No amount of alcohol to prevent recent cardiovascular disease study As confirmed, drinking red wine or spirits in the name of heart health may not bring any benefit.
The research is especially timely. COVID-19 Americans have been drinking more alcohol since the beginning of the crisisHabits that can have fatal consequences.
Between 2019 and 2020, alcohol-related mortality increased by approximately 25%, reflecting “hidden victims of the pandemic” such as increased drinking to cope with pandemic-related stress. Researchers reported at JAMA last month.
During the pandemic, mortality from alcohol-related liver disease accelerated in both men and women. study found. This “troublesome” trend requires “national efforts to reduce national alcohol consumption,” the author wrote last month in Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology.
“Women need intervention”
Especially the pandemic Disproportionate impact on women’s drinkingDr. Dawn Sugarman, a research psychologist for alcohol, narcotics and addiction at McLean Hospital in Belmont, Massachusetts, said.
Women consume a higher rate of alcohol than men, and she says she drinks four or more drinks within a few hours, especially on heavy drinking days.
The Impact on women’s health It can be of particular concern because it absorbs and metabolizes alcohol differently than men. As a result, alcohol stays in women longer and increases the risk of liver disease, heart disease, and certain cancers.
“Women who use alcohol less than men are more affected by these physical effects, so essentially they get sick faster than men from alcohol,” Sugarman said today. rice field.
“When it comes to mental health, women are already at twice the risk of depression and anxiety in men. We know that women are more likely to drink to deal with these negative emotions than men. And the use of alcohol only exacerbates depression. It exacerbates anxiety. Exacerbates insomnia. “
so An essay published in the New York Times this monthOne woman described her experience of alcoholism as follows: I thought about her discussions with her husband, her insomnia, dry mouth, headaches, and regrets, “writes author Erica Andersen.
Her drinking journey began when she typed “Is there a problem with drinking?” To search engines.
“Women need intervention. Our physical and mental health suffers from drinking,” she writes. “More women need to talk about it — and ask for help.”
But even before the pandemic, women’s drinking levels were professionally relevant. Today reported in 2018 Women drank almost as much as men, filling historically wide gaps.
woman, Especially in the age group of mothersAlcohol ads have been “attacked” for years, according to Sugarman. Advertising and social media posts can create the expectation that a day of soaking in wine is a healthy enjoyment, Adverse health effects It’s real.
Drinking less reduces your heart risk
Recent co-authors, Dr. Krishna Allagam, said that if they can’t give up alcohol together, women and men may benefit from just reducing their drinking. JAMA Network Open Survey The amount of alcohol did not prevent heart disease.
Indeed, when grouped by alcohol consumption, those who absorb mild to moderate amounts of alcohol appear to have a lower incidence of heart disease than others.
However, these same mild to moderate drinkers tend to behave healthier, such as regular exercise, lower smoking rates, and weight loss. When Aragam and his colleagues adjusted these factors, the protective association with alcohol almost disappeared.
For otherwise healthy people, cardiovascular risk was “quite modest” even at low levels of alcohol consumption (less than one cup a day), but increased exponentially beyond that amount, he said. Said. Studies show that people who drank three or more drinks a day had a multi-fold increased risk.
“Our results ensure that we work intensively to double heavy drinkers and reduce people, because all we see is alcohol consumption at these levels. It suggests that they are making a greater contribution to higher blood pressure, higher cholesterol, and a greater contribution to the incidence of heart attacks, “said Aragham, a preventive heart specialist at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston today.
“Maybe if they can reduce their intake to one cup a day, they will actually get most of their benefits. If it’s far more achievable for people than going to a cold turkey. there is.”
1 standard drink Is defined as 5 ounces of wine, but I think it’s easy to pour more, just one glass, as many modern wine glasses have several times as much space. The capacity of the wine glass has increased seven-fold in 300 years. study found.
Current US guidelines For men, it is advisable to limit alcohol to no more than two glasses a day. For women, 1 cup or less per day. Allagam says it’s conservative and it may be better for everyone to drink less than one drink a day.
But depending on mental health and family drinking history, it may still be too much for many women, Sugarman said.
How to measure the relationship with alcohol:
Sugarman advised you to make a list of pros and cons of the effects of your drinking. Don’t hesitate to list positives such as immediate stress relief, as the professional section can help you understand what to do to replace alcohol. For example, can I exercise instead of wine to relieve stress?
Other questions that ask yourself about your alcohol use include:
- How much of my time is spent drinking and then recovering from the effects of alcohol?
- Do you take it even if you know it is deteriorating your physical and mental health?
- Do your friends and loved ones say they are worried about my drinking?
- Are you trying to hide your drinking?
- I feel very much in possession of alcohol and don’t want to be robbed of it?
- Are you giving up on activities to continue drinking or to recover from the effects of drinking?
- Can I take a week or a month off alcohol? If not, why?
Sugarman said women are unlikely to seek treatment and noted that there are many stigma for women and the use of alcohol. She advised that consulting your GP could be the first step if you suspect a problem.
The The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism has more resources How to find an alcohol treatment.
“We need to raise more general awareness about women’s drinking concerns. We don’t think we’re there yet,” Sugarman said.
“It’s important to help people understand the risks, because if they only see the benefits of it, they have no incentive to make changes.”
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