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How long can the COVID last? One patient had it for 505 consecutive days.

How long can the COVID last?  One patient had it for 505 consecutive days.


For some, COVID-19 will not disappear.

They are called “permanent” cases of coronavirus, and some can count the duration of infection in months as well as days.

But one seems to be independent.

Scientists reported that British patients with significantly weakened immune systems had been infected with COVID-19 for almost a year and a half, emphasizing the importance of protecting vulnerable people from the coronavirus. ..

Not everyone is tested on a regular basis, especially in this case, so there is no way to know for sure if it was the longest-lasting COVID-19 infection.

But in 505 days, “it certainly seems to be the longest reported infection,” Guy’s & St. Dr. Luke Bragdon Snell, an infectious disease expert at the Thomas’NHS Foundation Trust, said.

Snell’s team has several “permanent” COVID-19 cases Infectious disease conference in Portugal This weekend.

In their study, we investigated which mutations occur in people with very long-term infections and whether the mutants evolve. It included 9 patients tested positive for the virus for at least 8 weeks. All had weakened the immune system by organ transplants, HIV, cancer, or the treatment of other illnesses. Nothing has been identified for privacy reasons.

Repeated tests showed that their infection lasted an average of 73 days. The two had been infected with the virus for over a year. Earlier, researchers said the longest-known case confirmed by PCR tests lasted 335 days.

Permanent COVID-19 is rare and is different from long COVID.

“With long COVIDs, the virus is usually considered removed from the body, but the symptoms persist,” Snell said. “Persistent infection represents continuous and active replication of the virus.”

Each time the researchers tested the patient, they analyzed the genetic code of the virus to make sure it was the same strain and that people had not received COVID-19 more than once. Nevertheless, gene sequences have shown that the virus changes over time and mutates as it adapts.

According to Snell, the mutations were similar to those that later appeared in a wide range of mutations, but no patient produced a new mutation that was of concern. There is no evidence that they have spread the virus to others.

The person with the longest known infection was positive in early 2020, treated with antiviral treatments, and died in 2021. Researchers refused to identify the cause of death and said there were several other illnesses.

Five patients survived. Two cleared the infection without treatment, two cleared the infection after treatment, and one still has COVID-19. In the final follow-up earlier this year, the patient’s infection lasted 412 days.

Researchers hope that more treatments will be developed to help people with persistent infections defeat the virus.

“It’s important to note that some people are vulnerable to these problems, such as persistent infections and severe illnesses,” Snell said.

Persistent infections are rare, but experts say they have a weakened immune system, a serious risk of COVID-19, and are trying to stay safe even after the government deregulates and the mask begins to come off. There are many people. And it’s not always easy to know who they are, said Dr. Wesley Long, a Houston Methodist pathologist in Texas, who wasn’t part of the study.

“Masking in the crowd is something to do and a way we can protect others,” he said.




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